It's crazy how much the little wiggle has changed in the past month! She is definitely no longer a newborn and is so strong! Clarita can hold her head up steadily and can even sit up in the Bumpo chair. She loves to stand up on our laps and bounce. She started rolling over from tummy to back at around six weeks and does so sporadically. Sometimes I put her down for tummy time and she rolls over right away. Other times she tries to roll over and gets upset that she can't. Clara now "talks" up a storm just like her mommy and loves to smile.
Clara recently had her two month check-up and has gained three pounds and three inches since birth. She's only in the 22nd percentile for weight but the doctor said that she's not worried because "you're not fat people". She's constantly moving and rarely sits still. Clara even moves in her sleep (much like her daddy) and wakes herself up by flailing her arms and legs. She also got her vaccinations which was a horrible experience for all of us. Kevin made me hold her down because he didn't want Clara to associate him with pain. I have never heard Clarita scream so loudly. She was so happy drinking her Polio vaccine and then became so sad when she got her shots. The rest of the night she slept or screamed becoming happy only when she got swaddled for bed. I am not looking forward to more shots. I thought I was going to cry along with her.
Ready for my check-up |
This vaccine is yummy! |
Shots make me sad |
I'm amazed at what a little personality Clarita already has. She's so tiny but definitely knows what she likes and dislikes and protests when she doesn't like something. I think she's going to be a stubborn one.
Clara continues to be such a good baby. Everyone keeps telling me to wait and that she's going to start sleeping less or be less easy going, but I hope that she continues down the path she's on. I take Clara most places with me just like I always said that I would do with my baby. She's very well behaved and loves to go on trips.
Clarita is such a good little sleeper. For my Mother's Day present she slept through the night from 9:45 until I woke her up at 5:15 to feed her before I went running. She has continued to do this and will fall asleep anywhere including super loud parties. When we're out at night she falls asleep around the same time as normal and doesn't wake up when she gets put in or taken out of her car seat, swaddled, or put to bed. She sleeps like her mommy!
Clara continues to meet new people! She is pretty good about letting everyone hold her.
Debbie watching Clara while we play soccer |
Meeting Sally |
Meeting Beth |
I finally got to meet cousin Shawna! |
Finally a picture with Megs! |
So far it has been so much fun watching Clara grow and change. The time has really flown by and I know that it's going to continue to fly. I made a comment to Kevin the other day that Clarita is only going to get more fun and he said, "But she's already so fun!". That pretty much sums up our lives with Clara, fun!
Clarita's Stats
(As of her two month check-up on May 16)
Weight: 10.1 pounds (she's gained 3 pounds!)
Height: 22.5 inches (she's grown 3 inches!)
Head Circumference: 38 centimeters
What Clara Wears
0-3 month outfits fit pretty well. 3 month outfits are a little big but once the cloth diaper is factored in they fit length wise at least.
Things Clara Loves
Mommy and Daddy, nursing, going for walks, getting undressed and having naked baby time, her "soothie" pacifiers (especially her monito), the bouncy chair, the swing, the Moby Wrap, snuggling, baths, baby exercises, the miracle swaddling blanket, car rides, the Baby Bjorn, the rain forest play mat, reading books, sitting in the Bumpo chair while mommy and daddy eat, massages, being a baby airplane, being held looking over your shoulder like a parrot
Things Clara Does Not Love
Getting dressed, waiting, getting buckled into the car seat, shots, being held in a cradled position (especially when she's tired)
How Clarita Sleeps
Clarita sleeps off and on throughout the day as she sees fit. I let her sleep whenever she wants and it changes from day to day. She has started sleeping through the night and usually goes to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 (depending on when she gets tired) and wakes up between 5:00 and 5:30. She will then nurse and go back to sleep until 8:00 to 9:00. I am loving this new sleep schedule! She gets swaddled at bedtime and sometimes lays awake in her bassinet quietly looking around for a half hour before she goes to sleep. She rarely fusses but if she does we give her a pacifier and she goes to sleep.
Baby Butter, Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggles, Baby/Bebe, Bambina (thanks Chels), Sapita
Monthly Exciting Events
May 17-20: Daddy's first weekend away from Clara :( (ok not so exciting)
May 12, 2013: Clara sleeps through the night from 9:45 until I wake her up at 5:15 to eat before I go running
May 7, 2013: Tia Laurie babysits for the first time while Mommy and Daddy go on a date!
May 5, 2013: Clara attends her first birthday party
May 5, 2013: Clara is baptized
May 4, 2013: Clara's first road trip
May 3, 2013: Clara's first trip to the mall
May 1, 2013: Clara starts holding her head up steadily
April 28: 2013: Clara rolls over from tummy to back
April 27, 2013: Clara's first fiesta
April 22, 2013: Tio Russell finally holds Clara
April 22, 2013: Daddy's first time watching Clarita alone (for more than an hour)
Monthly Pictures
One Month |
Two months |