Clara Milestones

August 29, 2020: Plays first video game (Roblox)
December 19, 2020: First honor orchestra (virtual)
February 14, 2021: Gets ears pierced
June 25, 2020: First time painting her own nails (she killed it!)
May 28, 2020: Gets fourth finger tape on the violin
April 28, 2020: Expert at tying shoes
April 26, 2020: First tooth falls out
March 13, 2020: First pandemic begins
February 29, 2020: Plays in her first softball game
December 7, 2019: In her first float
November 29, 2019: First ballet (Nutcracker)
November 19, 2019: First real concert (Lindsey Stirling)

July 25, 2019: Starts using booster seat
July 15, 2019: Gets to start playing with makeup
June 14, 2019: First violin recital
May 22, 2019: Makes her first sound on the violin
May 3, 2019: Stops taking naps
April 11, 2019: First violin lesson
March 19, 2019: First manicure
March 1, 2019: Stops using baby monitor (Emmett broke it)
October 8, 2018: First cotton candy (she did not like it)
August 16, 2018: First day of kindergarten
July 5, 2018: Finally masters whistling (she had been trying for so long)
June 16, 2018: First dance recital
June 10, 2018: First piano recital
May 19, 2018: Runs her first Dala Trot and gets first in her age group!
April 13, 2018: First roller coaster
March 22, 2018: First time going to Chuck E Cheese
January 3, 2018: First nail polish
October 28, 2017: First face painting
September 16, 2017: First soccer game
September 11, 2017: First dance class (she loved it)
September 10, 2017: First amusement park (Santa Cruz)
March 29, 2017: First rash
March 20, 2017: First trip to the doctor for a non well check, first antibiotics (ear infection)
October 15, 2016: First slumber party at los Tios
September 29, 2016: First weekend without Mama and Dada (thanks Aba!)
September 23, 2016: First time hiring a babysitter
September 9, 2016: Officially starts preschool
August 13: First time jumping on a big trampoline
July 27, 2016: First bus ride (in Austin)
July 11, 2016: First x-rays at the dentist
June 19, 2016: First solo hike (Weaver Lake)
June 17, 2016: Gets an electric toothbrush
June 13, 2016: Starts preschool (summer session)
May 17, 2016: Starts getting up by herself
May 14, 2016: First slumber party (with Bailey)
April 29, 2016: First gum
April 28, 2016: Stops using the little potty
March 5, 2016: Runs her first race
January 17, 2016: First time throwing up in a car (or really throwing up), first time eating McDonald's
December 15, 2015: First recital
November 7, 2015: Takes all of her clothes off by herself
October 24, 2015: First time using "outside potty" (it was a disaster)
October 21, 2015: Stops using a sleep sack (she did not want to)
October 20, 2015: First time using a plane potty
October 17, 2015: First time wetting the bed (luckily it happened at los tios!)
October 10, 2015: First lollipop
September 27, 2015: Watches her first eclipse (she loved it and requested to see one every day after it)
September 25, 2015: First time using a port o potty
September 1, 2015: Gets a library card and checks out her first book
August 16, 2015: First time sleeping in panties
August 13, 2015: First and second time outs
July 26, 2015: First time wearing panties out of the house
July 30, 2015: Jumps off a diving board
July 29, 2015: Meets Baby Emmett
July 28, 2015: Becomes a big sister
July 27, 2015: First time spending the night at los Tios
July 21, 2014: First swim lesson (she loved it)
July 15, 2015: First whole day without going potty in a diaper
June 29, 2015: Starts Gymboree classes
June 19, 2015: First time eating a s'more (she preferred plain marshmallows)
June 17, 2015: First time riding a carousel
June 16, 2015: First time at a children's museum, first time seeing fireflies
June 13, 2015: First time in her own seat on a plane
June 6, 2015: Starts using a pillow
June 5, 2015: Gets a big girl bed!
April 30, 2015: Switch car seat forward facing
April 15, 2015: Stops sitting in booster seat at table
March 21, 2015: First time visiting an aquarium
March 8, 2015: First time driving a motorized car
February 25, 2015: Poops in the toilet for the first time!
February 8, 2015: Pees in the toilet for the first time!
January 31, 2015: First time roasting marshmallows
January 28, 2015: Gets both feet off the ground while jumping
January 9, 2015: First double date with Reed, Kieran, and Bailey!
January 3, 2015: First time sledding
December 21, 2014: Clarita attends her first professional football game
December 20, 2014: Clara has juice for the first time (thanks Tio Robert and Tia Erika)
December 19, 2014: Clara attends her first Christmas program, eats her first cookie (thanks Tia Laurie) and tries hot chocolate
November 28, 2014: Clara starts singing the ABCs
November 15, 2014: Clarita holds her first baby
November 5, 2014: Clarita meets Frijolita!
November 2, 2014: Clara becomes a big cousin!
October 22, 2014: Starts blowing bubbles in the bath water
October 14, 2014: Starts going to library story time with Aba
October 9, 2014: First molar appears out of nowhere!
October 4, 2014: First time blowing a bubble by herself
September 1, 2014: "Swims" all the way across the length of the pool by herself (thanks to her bomb swimsuit)
August 27, 2014: Fafa's first time babysitting solo
August 23, 2014: Start snorting while laughing
August 10, 2014: First time eating ice cream
August 3, 2014: Clara stops nursing
July 24, 2014: First time drinking out of a regular cup
July 19, 2014: First time finger painting
June 30, 2014: Clara finally finishes the frozen breast milk and starts drinking cow's milk
June 29, 2014: Clara starts walking on her tiptoes
June 28, 2013: First time swimming in a lake
June 23, 2014: First mud run/swim in a river
June 13, 2013: Switch to a big girl car seat
June 4, 2014: Clara's first ponytail followed by her first pigtails!
May 30, 2014: Clara starts giving kisses
May 24, 2014: Clara's first quinceanera and paleta
May 10, 2014: Clara's first group bath!
May 8, 2014: Clara starts spinning in circles
May 2, 2014: Clara starts walking backward
April 20, 2014: Clara's first time coloring
April 19, 2014: Clara's first Easter egg hunt
April 7, 2014: First time riding a tricycle
March 31, 2014: Clara's first tooth FINALLY makes it's appearance!
March 23, 2014: Clara's first birthday party and first cake
March 19, 2014: Clara gets her first french fry!
March 16, 2014: Clara says her first official word, Mama, accompanied with the sign so we know she understood what she was saying!
March 15, 2014: Clara's first time bowling and her first junk food, frosting! It was love at first lick!
March 7, 2014: Start blowing kisses
March 2, 2014: Clara starts walking
March 1, 2014: Clarita runs her first postpartum race with Tia Laurie
February 26, 2014: Clara starts blowing kisses
February 23, 2014: Clara's first bike ride (not a success)
February 14, 2014: Clara starts taking steps without holding on to anything!
February 10, 2014: The pointing begins
January 20, 2014: Clara starts signing "more"
January 15, 2014: Clara starts playing peek a boo on her own
January 12, 2014: Clara's first time in the snow
January 11, 2014: Clara's first trip to Michigan to visit Grandpa Bill and Grandma Peggy
January 10, 2014: Clara's first plane ride (she did wonderfully!)
January 1, 2014: The fake coughing begins
December 21, 2013: First bath in a big bath tub
December 20, 2013: First time in Las Vegas (she loved all of the lights)!
November 28, 2013: Clara stops being a vegetarian
November 26, 2013: Clara's first kiss (thanks Connor)!
November 22, 2013: Clara's first tailgating and football game!
November 10, 2013: Clara starts crawling!
November 7, 2013: Clara's first haircut (thanks Bri)!
November 6, 2013: Starts clapping and pulling herself up to stand
November 4, 2013: The tongue twisting begins
November 1, 2013: Sleeps in her crib for the first time (and the good sleeper returns!)
October 31, 2013: First time trick or treating (she actually grabbed the candy)
October 30, 3013: Starts giving high fives on command
October 27, 2013: Starts eating in the booster seat
October 25, 2013: First time going to the zoo
October 20, 2013: First time attending a half ironman (go Dada go!)
October 19, 2013: The tongue clicking begins
October 18, 2013: Clara's first time out of California (hello Arizona!) and first time swinging and sliding
October 17, 2013: Clara's first time spending the night in a hotel
October 11, 2013: First Reedley Fiesta/Tio Chino babysitting solo
October 10, 2013: First Big Fresno Fair
October 5, 2013: First time in the ocean (she loved it!)
October 4, 2013: First time being babysat by a paid stranger
September 30, 2013: First time in a high chair
September 28, 2013: First time in a wedding (cutest flower Wiggle ever!)
September 22, 2013: First time in her stroller without the car seat
September 15, 2013: First time drinking water (she loved her little straw!)
September 14, 2013: First night away from Mama and Dada (she had so much fun with La Abuelita she didn't even notice)
September 8, 2013: Clarita's first wedding - Cam and Bri
September 6, 2013: First time at the beach (she really liked the sand and the sound of the waves)
September 4, 2013: Clara's first solid food - aguacate which she loved! And the first time she slept on her tummy
August 30, 2013: Clara's first diaper rash (probably caused by the steroid eye drops Mama's doctor said would not hurt her)
August 26, 2013: Clara's first, first day of school with la Abuelita ;)
August 24, 2013: Clara's first night away from Mama/alone with Dada
August 22, 2013: Clara's first Fantasy Football draft party
August 20, 2013: Clara starts making actual word sounds (mama, baba, but no dada)
August 14, 2013: Clara rolls completely over (back to front to back)
August 11, 2013: Clara's first time hitting a piñata
August 10, 2013: Clara watches her first triathlon
August 8, 2013: Clara rolls over from back to front
August 7: 2013: Clara sits up unassisted!
August 3, 2013: First bridal shower and first FUN DAY!
July 29: Graduates from the bassinet to the Pack 'N Play
July 28, 2013: Clara's first "shower" in the Bumbo Seat with Mama
July 27: First time sleeping in the sleep sack instead of being swaddled
July 22: Mommy goes back to work :(
July 15-10: First VBS
July 14, 2013: The thumb sucking begins
July 13, 2013: Clara's first baby shower
July 7, 2013: Clara's first trip to the circus!
July 4, 2013: First application of sunscreen
July 3, 2013: Clara's first time in the pool (she loved it)/first fireworks
July 1, 2013: Clara starts laughing
June 29, 2013: Clara's first real hike (to Weaver Lake)
June 22, 2013: The lip sucking commences
June 21, 2013: Clara's first full day away from Mama (she had so much fun with Dada she didn't even notice)
June 15, 2013: Clara's puts her legs in the pool (and loves it of course!)
June 14, 2013: Clara's first baseball game
June 10, 2013: Clara's first play date (thanks Logan and Reese!)
June 5, 2013: Clara's first time being babysat away from home (thanks Sarah and Reedcito!)
May 27, 2013: Clara's first hike and trip to the "big trees"
May 26, 2013: Clara's first trip to the cabin
May 23, 2013: Clara's first concert
May 17-20: Daddy's first weekend away from Clara :(
May 12, 2013: Clara sleeps through the night from 9:45 until I wake her up at 5:15 to eat before I go running
May 7, 2013: Tia Laurie babysits for the first time while Mommy and Daddy go on a date!
May 5, 2013: Clara attends her first birthday party
May 5, 2013: Clara is baptized
May 4, 2013: Clara's first road trip
May 3, 2013: Clara's first trip to the mall
May 1, 2013: Clara starts holding her head up steadily
April 28: 2013: Clara rolls over from tummy to back
April 27, 2013: Clara's first fiesta
April 22, 2013: Tio Russell finally holds Clara
April 22, 2013: Daddy's first time watching Clarita alone (for more than an hour)
April 18, 2013: Clara starts smiling purposefully (not sure of the exact date, it just kind of happened)
April 17, 2013: First time in a restaurant
April 16, 2013: First trip to CONREP to meet Mommy's co-workers
April 13, 2013: Dad's first night away from Clarita
April 13, 2013: Clara's first time away from Mom
April 12, 2013: Clara's first bottle
April 12, 2013: Clara's first real tears
April 11, 2013: Start using cloth diapers
April 11, 2013: Clara's first real bath (she absolutely loved it)
April 9, 2013: Clara's first church council meeting
April 7, 2013: Clara's first professional photo shoot
April 6, 2013: Clara's first bachelorette party
April 3, 2013: Clara's first book club
April 2, 2013: First post pregnancy/family run
April 2, 2013: Clara's first trip to the grocery store
April 2, 2013: Clara's first trip to HMC to meet Daddy's co-workers
March 31, 2013: Clara's first Easter complete with egg hunt!
March 31, 2013: Clara's first trip to church
March 30, 2013: Clara's umbilical cord falls off (mostly)!
March 29, 2013: Clara's first party (she slept through it)
March 29, 2013: Clara's first spit up...all over daddy's lap!
March 25, 2013: Clara's first sponge bath
March 23, 2013: Clara's first doctor appointment
March 22, 2013: Clara goes on a trip to meet her cousin Teagan who is a week older than her
March 22, 2013: Clara goes for her first walk
March 21, 2013: Clara meets her brother and sister Baza and Spikey
March 21, 2013: Clara's first car ride - home from the hospital
March 19, 2013: Clara is born at 9:04 PM!
March 18, 2013: Doctor decided to induce because fluid is cloudy and may have meconuim aka poop
March 13, 2013: Due date comes and goes
March 2, 2013: Clara "runs" her third race and gets first place in the unborn category
February 20, 2013: Considered full term
November 19, 2012: Kevin first feels baby kick
October 22, 2012: First kick felt outside of belly
October 18, 2012: Find out it's a girl!
October 2, 2012: First feel baby kick
August 26, 2012: Baby "runs" it's first half marathon
July 11, 2012: Discover we're having a baby!

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