Saturday, April 2, 2022

Clarita's Birthday Celebrations 2021

Clara's birthday was a lot better in 2021 than 2020! We had a few small celebrations with friends who had recently gotten vaccinated, and culminated with a family party where Aba watched the kids while Dada and I went to "look" at cars and ended up coming home with a new 4Runner! Overall, it was a super fun weekend spent with special friends and family!

The weekend before Clarita's birthday, Abuelos came over for lunch and we had her first celebration.

Clarita started her birthday out by opening her present from Emmett. I'm not sure who was more excited about it! Her birthday happened to fall on a Friday which meant a short Zoom school and then the fun began! Elise got to come over too and was super excited to watch Zoom school since she normally has to stay home and miss it! After school, the Kauk girls came over for a basketball themed craft, pizza, and dessert. They had so much fun and Clara was super excited about her new cat dress!

Friday night, the Engstroms came over for dinner and dessert. Olive made the sweetest video, and we almost died of laughter watching some of her other videos. It was the perfect celebration with our favorite neighbors!

Saturday evening the McClartys and Suemotos came over for dinner and a show! Clara and Tio had been practicing a birthday twin concert where he played the guitar and she sang, and it did not disappoint! She was so nervous she was shaking, but she still did it! The kids had so much fun playing basketball and they all got their own basketballs as party favors! Elise was pretty smitten with Kieran, I think she may have traded me in as best friends.

Sunday Aba, Tios, and Grandma Donna came over (Tio Robert and Tia Erika couldn't make it at the last minute) for lunch, and of course, more dessert! Clara made a pin the basketball on the hoop game that the kids all played, and there was another concert!

All in all, it was a great weekend and I decided having a bunch of small parties where you could actually spend time with everyone was really nice! Clarita made all of her decorations and I really didn't have to do much. We had a blast celebrating our favorite girl (and she's pretty sure the new 4Runner is really a present for her)!

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