This past month has flown by! We have been on the go more often than not and Clara has been an angel. She and I were gone for 14 hours one day and she was happy the entire day. She sleeps in the car and basically wherever she is when she gets tired. My grandmother was in the hospital for a few days and is now in a nursing home. Clara and I have been visiting her often and Clarita always has a smile for all of the residents (they love her of course). She loves visiting her GG and playing with her!
Clara loves her GG |
It's amazing how much the little Wiggle has changed this past month. She is now very aware of everything around her and will often stop nursing to look around for a noise. She loves her toys and is really into the exersaucer that my Pastor and his wife gave to us now that their daughter has outgrown it. Clara really likes that the toys on it stay put! She has started laughing which is hilarious to watch and listen to. Clarita has also started to put EVERYTHING in her mouth and chew on it. I am hoping that this is not a sign that she is teething as that sounds painful to me. Clarita has also started to become fascinated with people eating. She watches our mouths as we eat and seems to find it very interesting. She also really likes my water bottles and often tries to grab them (and put them in her mouth of course!).
She really wanted to put the beer in her mouth |
A true test of her immune system, putting the HMC badge in her mouth |
This baby can sleep through anything |
Petting Spikey with Tia Laurie |
Clarita has also grown to enjoy tummy time. Although she always tolerated it, she now likes it and will sometimes even fall asleep on her tummy. She has also started scooting on both her back and her tummy and can get pretty far. Clara still rolls over when she feels like it but not all the time. She also started sucking her thumb (her left one just like her mommy did) and while it is super cute right now, it is not a habit we want to encourage.
We are just having so much fun with Clara and enjoying her more and more every day! Even when she wakes me up before 5:00 AM as Kevin put it, "It's all worth it when she smiles at you!"
Clarita's Stats
Weight: 13 pounds
Height: 25.5 inches
Head Circumference: 40 centimeters
What Clara Wears
3 month outfits still fit pretty well and 3-6 month outfits are a little too big
Things Clara Loves
Mommy and Daddy, nursing, going for walks, getting undressed and having naked baby time, her "soothie" pacifiers (especially her monito and Bevo), snuggling, baths, baby exercises, the miracle swaddling blanket, car rides, the Baby Bjorn, the rain forest play mat, reading books, sitting in the Bumbo chair while mommy and daddy eat, massages, being a baby airplane, being held looking over your shoulder like a parrot, meeting new people, ceiling fans, drooling, the exersaucer, tummy time, swimming, people
Things Clara Does Not Love
Waiting, getting buckled into the car seat, being held in a cradled position (especially when she's tired)
How Clarita Sleeps
Clarita continues to sleep off and on throughout the day as she sees fit. We have been really busy this month and out and about during many days so she has been content to sleep in the car. She has been falling asleep around 8:00, waking up around 9:30 to nurse, and then going to bed between 9:30 and 10:00. She still gets swaddled at night but now gets out of the swaddle almost every night and sometimes wakes herself up flailing. She has been waking up around 5:00 the past week (sometimes 4:30) and wanting to play (we're not big fans of this).
Baby Butter, Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggles, Baby/Bebe, Bambina, Sapita, Munchkin Drool Monster
Monthly Exciting Events
July 15-19: First VBS
July 14, 2013: The thumb sucking begins
July 13, 2013: Clara's first baby shower
July 7, 2013: Clara's first trip to the circus!
July 4, 2013: First application of sunscreen
July 3, 2013: Clara's first time in the pool (she loved it)/first fireworks
July 1, 2013: Clara starts laughing (not sure of the exact date)
June 29, 2013: Clara's first real hike (to Weaver Lake)
June 22, 2013: The lip sucking commences
June 21, 2013: Clara's first full day away from Mama (she had so much fun with Dada she didn't even notice)
Monthly Pictures
With Dada's sunflower |
It's perfect that I have a licky baby |