Sunday, August 2, 2020

7 Years

Clara often seems so much older than seven that I forget how little she still is and expect more from her than I should. She loves to learn and has the best memory. Clara often requests to listen to NPR in the car because she wants to know what's happening in the world. She actually listens and asks questions about what she hears. Since the pandemic started, she has been learning about ancient Greece, Egypt, and different cultures. She can literally explain how to make a mummy, tell you about the different Greek gods, and explain what Dia de los Muertos is. That being said, she can also fly into a tizzy in a second and have a screaming meltdown. Her meltdowns have gotten fewer and farther between, but when she does have them, they are fierce. She gets so angry and cannot control it. This past year we have been working with her on developing skills to calm herself down, but if she doesn't do it right away, it's impossible. Unfortunately, I was the same way when I was younger and could not control my anger. I took it out by pummeling my brother and sister so I guess we should be glad Clara just screams and stomps!

Meltdowns aside, Clarita is generally happy. She is sassy beyond belief, but generally helpful and kind. She is very empathetic and gets upset if she thinks a person or animal is sad or being harmed. Disney movies are guaranteed to make her sob because there is always something bad that happens. She loves her family and friends and constantly makes presents for them. Although she can have so much attitude at home, she is quiet and very well behaved at school and daycare. I am constantly told how good she is and that they wish all kids were like her. If only that behavior could translate to home. I have a theory that kids spend so much time being on their best behavior at school that they cannot sustain it when they go home. Clara definitely fits this theory! I guess if I had to choose, I'd rather have her behave well at school than home. 

Clara loves all things art/creative and could spend all day doing crafts. She's very into dance and music and spends hours "choreographing" dances. Clarita has a love/hate relationship with her violin. She loves playing it, but hates having to play what I tell her to play (aka what her teacher assigns). She also loves reading and started reading chapter books right around her birthday. Unfortunately, her birthday was the day the governor enacted the shelter-in-place order so all of our plans had to be canceled. Luckily she got to spend the day with Bailey, Elise, Emmett, and Aba prior to the order so all was not lost! I tried to make the day as special as possible and decorated the house after she went to bed. Of course, all of the presents I ordered got delayed due to the pandemic, so I searched the house and found some random things so she could unwrap something. Her favorite was the birthday hand sanitizer that she had apparently always wanted! I probably should have sold it on the black market and used the million dollars I could have gotten to buy her something awesome...

My girl is an animal lover, especially cats, and spends a ton of time "training" our cats and trying to pet the stray cats. She thinks she is part cat and can therefore communicate with them in a special way. The cats love her and the time she spends with them. The stray cats probably despise her because she is constantly chasing them when they are trying to eat. Clara continues to declare that she doesn't want to eat meat because she doesn't want to kill animals. However, she makes an exception for salmon, hot dogs, pepperoni, and sometimes chicken nuggets.

Clarita is generally kind and sweet and tells us how much she loves us all the time. She often tells Emmett that he is the best baby brother and that she loves him too. However, when she's mad, we are all the meanest people in the world! Luckily she's mad less and less so there's more love going around! She often teaches Emmett different things and helps him when he can't do something on his own. It's hilarious listening to her talk to him because she talks like an adult to a little kid. She calls him "Little Buddy" and uses what I would describe as a teacher tone of voice to explain things. He generally adores her and will usually do what she asks as long as she asks nicely. 

All in all, Clarita is one of the most intriguing little girls around and has such a big personality. She's my little helper and always keeps me on my toes. I can't imagine life without her, and she definitely helps me to be more patient!

Yearly Pictures

Weight: 43.2 pounds
Height: 47.75 inches 

Clarita continues to be tiny with long legs and arms like her mama. The only pants she can wear are leggings, and those literally fall off sometimes! She has to wear size medium (7/8) for length but has a pair of 4T shorts that fit her perfectly and her extra small swim suits fit well. Her shoes are size 13.

Mama and Dada and Emmett, playing outside and going to the park, reading, riding her scooter/bike, playing with her cousins (especially Bailey who she claims is her sister), playing with the cats, singing, dancing, anything craft related, bubbles, playing with her friends, dressing up, Barbies, dolls, movies, ballet and tap, playing school where she's the teacher, painting her nails, playing the violin, listening to Lindsey Stirling.

Not getting her way, being told no, waiting, not getting to eat dessert, Emmett doing things she doesn't like/annoying her.

Clarita goes to be between 8:00 and 8:30 and generally wakes up around 6:30. She sleeps in a twin bed and Emmett generally sleeps in her room and they alternate between top and bottom bunk. She doesn't really care about stuffed animals, but will occasionally chose one to sleep with. She would prefer that one of the cats (preferably Baza) sleep with her.

Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggle, Birthday Twin, Clarey, Clarclar 

Clara is still not a huge fan of meat, but will eat almost any vegetable. She prefers salad to cooked vegetables, but eats both. She loves yogurt and would eat it for every meal if I let her. She is very particular about her lunches and specifies what she wants each day. If we pack something she did not request, she often won't eat it. Clara loves bread and often requests sourdough bread with butter and spices for a snack. She got my sweet tooth and often states that she would just like to eat sugar!

Favorite Colors
Pink, purple, and blue. 

Best Friends
Bailey is her best friend/sister. Olive is her "BFF." Reed is still her boyfriend and she plans to marry him. 

Future Career
Teacher or social worker.

Exciting Events
March 13, 2020: First pandemic begins
February 29, 2020: Plays in her first softball game
February 8, 2020: Last baby tooth finally grows in
December 7, 2019: In her first float
November 29, 2019: Watches her first ballet (Nutcracker)
November 19, 2019: First real concert (Lindsey Stirling)

July 25, 2019: Starts using booster seat
July 15, 2019: Gets to start playing with makeup
June 14, 2019: First violin recital
May 22, 2019: Makes her first sound on the violin
May 3, 2019: Stops taking naps
April 11, 2019: First violin lesson