Saturday, April 20, 2013

One Month Old!

I can't believe our little snugglepuff is already one month old! Where has the time gone? She's already changed so much and the clothes that were once big on her are now snug. This has been a whirlwind month but we have enjoyed every minute. Clara is now starting to look more like a baby and less like a newborn. She doesn't sleep as much and has begun to develop a stubborn streak (who did she get that from?) She is overall a very good baby though, especially in public.

This is how the stork would have delivered her but he got lost so I had to do it
Clara is so lucky to have so many people that love her! She has probably met close to 100 people and been held by probably close to 30. She loves to snuggle and will let anyone hold her. Clarita has learned that she can fight sleep and chooses to do this often. She finally gets so tired that she just crashes and is usually out for  couple of hours.

So peaceful
Clarita's first trip to a restaurant (she drank those beers)
There have been so many exciting events this past month, the highlight, of course, was Clara's birth. For me, one of the highlights has been watching my grandparents with Clarita. She just makes them so happy and it is awesome that they get to know her and she them! I took her to my work this past week (she was a hit of course) and we stopped by my grandparents' as well. I have never seen my grandpa so happy! He finally held her and got so excited every time that she stuck her tongue out or smiled. It sounded something like this, "Oh she just smiled at me! Oh she just stuck her tongue out! Hi there little sweetheart." I absolutely loved it, especially since my grandpa is usually very quiet and soft spoken. My grandma absolutely adores Clara as well and was also super excited to see her.

Great Grandpa holding Clara for the first time

GG loves Clarita

Meeting Maria
Meeting Zulema
Meeting Wanda
It's hard to remember what life was like before Clarita. I know that we had a lot more free time, but I also know that our lives were not complete. This little wiggle is such a joy and a blessing! I know that we are both so happy that she is finally here and we cannot imagine our lives without her now.

Clarita's Stats

Weight: 7 pounds 1 ounce
Height: 19.5 inches
Head Circumference: 35 centimeters

One Month:
Weight: 8.2 pounds
Height: 21.5 inches
Head Circumference: 35.5

What Clara Wears

Her newborn clothes still fit her until she puts on a giant cloth diaper, then they are a little too tight. I packed them all away today and we are going to start on the 0-3 month outfits that were way too big before. I think that the tops will still be big but the bottoms will fit nicely over her giant cloth diapers.

Things Clara Loves

Mommy and Daddy, nursing, going for walks, getting undressed and having naked baby time, her "soothie" pacifiers (especially her monito), the bouncy chair, the swing, the moby wrap, snuggling, baths, baby exercises, the miracle swaddling blanket (ok, so maybe she doesn't like it when I first wrap her up but then she falls right to sleep), car rides

Things Clara Does Not Love

Getting dressed, waiting, tummy time for more than five minutes, getting put into the carseat

How Clarita Sleeps

Clara generally sleeps off and on throughout the day. Lately she has been refusing to sleep in the morning and sleeping most of the afternoon. She then gets really fussy right before bedtime and sleeps for five hours before waking up to nurse (the other day she went six because I did not wake up to wake her up...). She usually nurses, gets swaddled (not so into this as she loves to eat her hands), sleeps in her bassinet until around 3:00, nurses, then sleeps until 6:00 or 6:30. Clarita generally wakes up happy in the morning and "talks" to herself until I gt up to feed her. We often hear grunts as she is working hard to get her hands out of her swaddling blanket. She has managed to do it a few times and is practicing to be the next Houdini! 

Clara's Monthly Pictures:

I didn't take a good "newborn" picture where she wasn't swaddled
One Week
Two Weeks
Three Weeks
Four weeks (and angry)
One month

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