Saturday, June 8, 2013

Un Dia de la Vida de Clarita

This was our day yesterday, June 7, 2013 when Clarita was 11.5 weeks old. It's fun for me to see how different she is than she was 7 weeks ago ( and how much our routine has changed! 

5:43: I wake her up to eat before I go running. I check her diaper and she's dry (she often goes the entire night without going to the bathroom).
6:01: I swaddle her up and put her back in her bassinet while I run.
6:35: Kevin gets her up because she's talking and not sleeping (He tends to do this when he's home with her in the mornings because he wants to play with her before work. I can't really complain since he just wants to spend time with her).
7:10: I get back and Kevin does a diaper change/baby exercises (she runs and swims and loves it!)/daddy play time while I eat breakfast.

7:37: Daddy has to go to work so Clara nurses to ease her sadness.
7:54: We go for a walk to the post office and grocery store. Clarita immediately falls asleep but then wakes up as soon as we start walking. She happily "reads" the warning label on her car seat for ten minutes and looks at everything we walk by.

8:45: Clara falls asleep on the way home.
9:00: We get home and she wakes up but is happy so I park her by the berries while I pick some until she has a major melt down from being tired and hungry.
9:22: Nurse/diaper change/baby exercises.
9:40: Clarita goes in the bouncy chair while I shower. She falls asleep and apparently is super tired since she didn't go back to sleep this morning. I manage to clean the litter box, bathroom, kitchen, vacuum, and make lunch while she sleeps (nothing short of a miracle)!

12:15: Someone wakes up hungry, we nurse and get ready for a bath.
12:32: Bath time/get dressed.

12:58: Daddy finally gets home and we eat lunch while Clara sits in the Bumpo chair on the table and plays with her oruga. She loves sitting with us while we eat.

1:30: Clara helps daddy water his baby plants.
1:40: Say bye to daddy/diaper change/baby exercises.
1:50: Nurse.
2:02: Clara falls asleep while nursing. I let her sleep on me for awhile then put her in the swing and I fall asleep too!

3:11: Clarita wakes up with a cry (I literally jump off the couch wide awake from the dream I was having). W
e snuggle, fix her crazy hair (an impossible task), and play with the cute baby in the mirror.

3:25: Nurse/diaper change/baby exercises.
3:46: We read all the books in the living room. Clara is entertained by them and grabs them as we read. Apparently today was animal themed.

4:00: Play with mommy.
4:15: I use the fan as a babysitter while I work on invitations for my mom's retirement party. Clarita has recently discovered the fan and loves it! She will lay under it and talk to it.
4:34: I put Clarita in the Baby Bjorn to help me make dinner.
5:00: Clara falls asleep right as daddy gets home and sleeps in the Baby Bjorn while I make popsicles and clean the freezer so they will fit.
5:32: Clara wakes up as soon as I take her out of the carrier but is content to lay in the swing and look at her feet.
5:50: Nurse/diaper change/baby exercises.
6:06: Hang out with mommy.
6:36: Dinner time, Clara sits in the Bumpo chair.
7:00: Baby massage time. Clara loves this and smiles the whole time (partly because she loves being naked).
7:15: We snuggle and Clara falls asleep.

7:50: Time to practice eating a bottle with daddy (she decided a couple of weeks ago that she didn't like bottles so we have to practice now so she will be ready when I go back to work). She happily eats a little.

8:06: Clara hangs out and snuggles with daddy while we watch a movie.
8:56: Nurse.
9:10: Daddy changes her diaper, does baby exercises, and gets her ready for bed.
9:36: I swaddle her up and put her to bed. She falls asleep right away and is out until 8:00 the next morning!

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