Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Day with Dada! (written by Dada, photographs by Dada)

8:30 - Shannon leaves for the day while Clara is eating.
8:45 - Clara finishes eating
8:45- we play on the bed/cards.
Playing poker with Dada

Clara beats Dada with a straight (the ace is behind the King, she was having problems fanning the cards out)
9:15 - Change poopy diaper/exercises and then Clara gets a little fussy
9:35 - Clara falls asleep after doing 4-5 laps around the interior of the house in Dada's arms
10:30 - Clara starts wiggling and grunting
10:34 - Clara wakes up completely and starts eating
10:45 - Clara pauses eating and then starts again
10:54 - Clara finishes eating
10:55 - Clara gets her diaper changed and does some more exercises
Clara practices putting her toes in her mouth as one of her exercises
11:30 - Clara and Dada go outside and hang diapers to dry and water some plants in the garden
11:35 - Clara and Dada head out for a walk around the neighborhood
Clara - ready for a walk
11:45 - Clara falls asleep while Dada talks to the neighbors down the street
1:37 - Clara wakes up from her nap and is hungry
1:52 - Clara finishes eating
1:53 - Clara gets her wet diaper changed and does more exercises
1:58 - Play time
2:19 - Clara and Dada get ready to go to Primo Mason's
2:57 - Get back from Mason's
3:05 - Tummy time
3:13 - Tummy time is over when Clara starts crying, after spinning 180 degrees on the playmat
3:13- Clara lays on playmat with Hermano Baza
Clara and Baza sharing the playmat
3:20 - Change a wet and poopy diaper/ exercises
3:30 - Clara starts eating
3:44 - Clara falls asleep while eating
4:10 - Clara wakes up
4:15 - Clara and Dada rock on the rocking chair on the porch and wait for Mama to come home
4:22 - Mama comes home

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