Sunday, July 7, 2013

Deer and Racoons and Bears Oh My!

Last weekend we went to the cabin to escape the 110 degree heat in the valley. It was only in the 80s up there and felt so nice! Clara had a great time of course. We decided to take her on her first real hike. We went to Weaver Lake since it is a short, easy hike. Kevin, Fafa (Tristan's name for Kevin's dad), Clarita, and I went. I carried Clara since Kevin gets so hot and sweaty when he has her. She was awake for half of the trip up and then fell asleep. She woke up when we got to the lake and "played", ate, and watched Dada swim. We even did a diaper change on the pine needle covered ground (with a changing pad of course)! We hung out at the lake for a while and then headed back down. Clara immediately fell asleep and slept the entire hike down. She woke up when we put her in the car and then fell back asleep until we got back to the cabin. I guess all the hiking wore her out! She did great and we're hoping to be able to go on longer hikes with her soon.

The weekend was also a great time for animal spottings. While hanging out on the cabin deck we saw deer, raccoons, and even a bear (the first I have ever seen up there). It was pretty exciting although Clara didn't really pay much attention to any of them. Hopefully she'll be able to see many more animals in the years to come!

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