Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fair, Fiesta (x2), and New Friends!

Last week was busybusy of course (I keep thinking that our lives will slow down at some point but it hasn't happened thus far). The Big Fresno Fair was in town so we had to take Clarita. I love the fair (especially the cinnamon rolls) and Kevin and I go every year (when we live in California) and we couldn't wait to take Clara. She loved it of course. It was filled with all of her favorite things: people, lights, and animals! We took her to see the animals first and she thought that they were all pretty cool. Clarita had never seen sheep, cows, or pigs before but loved them just as much as she loves cats and dogs. Then we went to the photography exhibit and Clara squealed away. Apparently she likes photography just like her dada. Clara made a million new friends as usual and really wanted to eat some cinnamon roll (we told her she had to wait until next year). She stayed awake the entire time we were there and was super happy. I think her first fair was a success!
Look, a pink sheep!

Clara wants Fafa to grow her a giant pumpkin next year!

Dada's favorite exhibit, rocks and minerals

Saturday was the Reedley Fiesta. This is Reedley's big celebration which includes a parade, lots of booths, and a run. Kevin, Laurie, and I ran in the race so Tio Chino volunteered to watch the little Wiggle while we ran. He did a great job and Clara had fun watching us run. She ran the race with me last year when I was four months pregnant and can't wait until she is old enough to run in the kid's races. Clara also got to see her friend Parker and hold hands with him (I think she likes him a lot). My good friend Sarah Jimenez was in town with her two kids so we met up with them to watch the parade. Clara had never met Jack and Lucy and thought they were cool. She liked the parade, but was more interested in the people walking by. We had to head out early from the Fiesta because we had a wedding, but Clara didn't mind because she got to spend the rest of the day with La Abuelita. We did just miss Tristan and Teagan at the Fiesta so she was a little sad about that.
Grape Escape!

Cousin Jessica really loves Clarita!

Tio Chino takes babysitting seriously!

Love blossoming!

Lucy, Sarah, and Clara (Jack's head is in the background)

On Dada's shoulders!

On Sunday we celebrated Ryland's first birthday (Kevin's cousin Charlyse's son). Charlyse put together a great party complete with a magician and a bunny. Clara loved seeing so many of her favorite people in one place, and really loved the bunny. She squealed when she saw him and got even more excited when she got to pet him. Clara also got to meet Eden, Kevin's cousin Mason's brand new baby. She was only three weeks old and super tiny. Eden slept the entire time and was adorable. I can't wait to snuggle her!

Ryland wasn't so sure about the cake...

The Ravens

Alex and Clara

Baby Eden

Sarah and Clara (and baby Heidi in the womb)

Auntie Traci, Auntie Cyn, and Laura

On Tuesday I had to go to Napa for work so Kevin was in charge of the little Wiggle. It was my first time being gone for more than just the night but Clara didn't seem to mind. She hung out with La Abuelita during the day and Dada at night and was perfectly happy. I got back Wednesday and met Kevin and Clarita at our friends' Karl and Lindsay's house to meet their baby, Carver, who was just shy of a month old. He was adorable! Clara wasn't too interested in him but she loved Lindsay and Karl (especially Lindsay's hair)! Carver (aka Bobcat) weighed 9 pounds 9 ounces when he was born and was already up to 11 pounds 13 ounces when we saw him! Pretty soon he'll be bigger than Clara!

Why won't Bobcat play with me?

Clara had such a fun filled week and met so many new friends! She can't wait until they are all bigger and can play together!

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