We had a fun filled Easter for Clara's second Easter. On Saturday we headed to Gruncle Tod and Grauntie Traci's for a yummy lunch and lots of cousins! All of the cousins (technically second cousins) with the exception of Tristan and Teagan were there and it was fun to watch them interact. There were five little ones ranging from four months to three years, and then nine-year-old Jessica to play with all of the little guys. Traci went all out and had a bunny for the kids to take pictures with, a "bunny trail", activities, and of course an Easter egg hunt! Clara LOVED the bunny! She kept signing dog, petting it, and she even tried to pick it up by its ears. Then she saw a strawberry plant complete with baby strawberries and the bunny was old news.
Carseat Gang! |
Jessica's rendition of "Who Let the Babies Out?" |
Ryland, Charlyse and bunny |
Good bunny |
Eden liked the bow more than the bunny |
I wasn't sure if Clara was going to understand that concept of an Easter egg hunt since she's still pretty little. Although she called the eggs balls, she totally understood that she was supposed to find them and put them in her basket. After the hunt, she got a hold of a hard boiled egg, poked a hole in it and then proceeded to tear it apart and squish it. She made no attempt to eat it... Logan found a real egg and bought it over to tell us that it wasn't an egg because it wasn't plastic and filled with candy! Clara had a lot of fun squealing and playing with the other kids.
Egg squish |
We began Easter Sunday with a delicious breakfast at church. Clara was super stylin' in a dress that Tio Robert and Tia Erika got her for her birthday. I thought it was fitting since they got her an Easter dress last year. They have now decided that they have to get Clarita an Easter dress each year! Clara had already eaten before church but she still managed to scarf down a million grapes! I am in charge of children's church so I recruited los Tios to help hide Easter eggs and got everything ready while Dada took Clarita into church.
Clarita got to color for the first time to decorate her bag for Easter eggs during children's church. She thought it was pretty fun. Then she participated in the Easter egg hunt with the big kids and found three eggs. She liked running around on the grass and watching the other kids. I must say Easter church was a lot easier this year when I didn't have a newborn baby who needed to nurse that I was trying to calm while teaching the kids!
Since it was way past her nap time, Clara fell asleep instantly on the way home from church. I transferred her to her crib when we got home and she slept while we got everything ready. Clarita woke up right in time for Easter lunch. Clarita had fun playing with Tristan and Teagan and thought that Tristan's Easter basket was really fun. It was a little car and she insisted on climbing in it, sitting down, and then saying vroom vroom. We didn't even know that she knew cars made vroom vroom sounds. It was pretty funny!
The kids had an Easter egg hunt which was pretty anticlimactic since the girls weren't too into it. Clara had discovered the drink bucket and was obsessed with the ice. She kept pulling out pieces and sucking on them. To get her to find eggs I had to throw ice onto the lawn and then hide the bucket! Clara found a few eggs and Teagan found one and became obsessed with that egg. Luckily we had Tristan to find the rest!
Tio Chino's legs were a good hiding spot |
Clara was pretty tired after all this fun and she took a nap while Tristan, Teagan, and I played with the wagon and Tato and the guys attempted to fix our pool filter and sprinklers (our pool was green because the filter broke). I took Tristan and Teagan for a wagon ride and then Tristan pulled me all over the neighborhood, literally! I kept asking him if he wanted me to pull him and he said, "No, I'm very strong." When I finally woke Clarita up, I pulled her and Tristan in the wagon while they said vroom vroom and Clara squealed away. I think she liked the wagon more than Bubbles. Clarita ended the day playing in her favorite cat water dish while we cleaned up. She was soaking wet, but super happy!
Fafa's girls |
Cousin hugs |
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