Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's A...

...Boy! We went for our 18 week ultrasound on February 26, 2015 and I convinced Kevin that we should do something special to find out the gender this time around since it will be the last time we ever do this. He was not a big fan but grudgingly agreed to let Tia Laurie find out first and then wrap something boyish or girlish for us to open. He said that he wanted to be the first person to find out (which I understand) and I had to convince him to avert his eyes during the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech put the picture with gender labeled into an envelope which Tia Laurie picked up that night. As Kevin was anxious to find out, she agreed to get something for us to open the next day. I was surprisingly patient and not anxious to know what it was. With Clara I was obsessed with finding out, but perhaps because I already have the girl I wanted the first time, I was content not knowing with this one (although I did want to find out eventually for practical purposes like room and clothes).

Kevin insisted on doing the old wives' tales tests the night we found out. We held my wedding ring over my belly and it said girl (it said boy for Tia), and did various other tests such as picking up a key and looking at Mayan and Chinese predictions (they were different). The total was girl three, boy six.

We headed to los Tios Friday night and decided to let Clarita open the package. We explained that we would find out what the baby in my tummy was depending on if there were girl or boy clothes in the package. She was very excited to open it and kept saying, "nino o nina" while she opened it. Before we could see what was inside the box we asked Clara if it was a boy or girl and she said, "I don't know" and threw the box in favor of a better toy!

Turns out there were two cute little boy outfits inside! I think we both had begun to think that it was a girl, maybe because we can't imagine anything but Clarita, and were surprised to see the boy clothes. We were excited though and can't wait to meet the little guy! Clara had said all along she either wanted a baby, Bailey, or a boy so she said she was happy too. She now talks about what she will do with Baby Emmett (after Kevin's great-grandfather) and the next day got out her big sister book and told me that the baby in the book was Baby Emmett and the girl was Clara. She plans to share her toys (including her coveted refrigerator and casa, but not her bubbles), read, and play with the baby. Now we have to learn about boys!!!

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