Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lo Que Dice Clarita Verano 2015

Clarita continues to talk up a storm. She says funny things, but part of what makes her hilarious are her facial expressions and intonations. She makes the funniest faces and puts so much emotion into what she says. Some of her favorite things to say are "that's not real nice" when we do something she doesn't like and "I tink" or "I don't tink" when she doesn't agree with us. She always wants everyone to be happy and is very concerned if she thinks someone is sad. She is constantly sighing and shaking her head at us when we do things that she doesn't agree with. One of her favorite expressions is, "oh Mama" when I forget something or make a mistake. Here are some funny things she has said over the past few months. Imagine her shaking her head and making lots of faces!

"I want my cupita." (like you would say in Spanish in reference to a little cup)
Clara: "I have no pans and no plates." Dada: "How will you cook?" Clara: (thinks about it) "In the microwave!"

I set off a toy in the pack n play. Clara comes running "Baby Emmett come out?"
"You in belly button Baby Emmett? I want see you." (looks in my belly button) "Oh I see you!"
As Tia stands on precarious stool Clarita runs behind her and grabs her legs. "You no fall Tia. I hold you."

Before Emmett was born Clara and I were talking about how small he would be and she didn't believe me since my belly was so big. Clara: "Baby Emmett is real real grande." Me: "Who's bigger Baby Emmett or Bailey?" Clara: (without hesitation) "Baby Emmett."

"People are small when they're babies." After a conversation about how small baby Emmett would be and looking at pictures of newborns.
"Mama eat me." I pretend to eat her she then reaches in my mouth and says "I get me out."

"Baby Emmett is making sounds like a monito."
"Baby Emmett has a tail like dada." (while I was changing his diaper)

"I'm too big for you dada." When he tried to hold her. After Emmett was born Clara decided that she was big and that we couldn't hold her anymore.

"What's wrong with you mama?" In response to me telling her that I don't like meat.
Clara: "We're going at the parque." Tia: "We're going to the park." Clara: "No Tia, only one parque."
The power went out which reset the doorbell so it didn't play Happy Birthday anymore. Everytime it rang until it was reset Clarita would say, "What's wrong with my doorbell?" and shake her head and sigh.

One day Clarita asked me to open her pretend food. When I told her that it wouldn't open she said, "Dada will cut it up."
"You drink all my water mama? That's not real nice."

"Who is the craziest monster? Mama, Dada, Clara, or Baby Emmett?"
"I have grape arms." (I have no idea what prompted this.

"Your daughter is crazy!" (as she jumps off a rock.)
Baza was standing near Clara's potty and she yelled, "No Baza, don't go in my poop!"

Lately when I ask Clarita to do anything that she doesn't want to do she sighs, shakes her head, and says, "I'm real cansado (tired)."
Me: "Don't put stickers on the couch." Clara: "They're band aids, the sofa have owie."

Clarita: "I want to eat some yogurt. Albie (her doll) wants to eat too." Me: "Albie can't eat." Clarita: "In my pezones (nipples)."
Dada: "Clara don't throw cereal on the floor." Clara: "Yeah, mama will vacuum it."

Clara: "I don't like eggs they yucky. I like soda." Me: "When did you try soda?" Clara: "In the sala (living room) when you sleeping."
Clara put a pair of sunglasses on and said, "I can't see you baby I'm dark."
I ask Clara why she cried last night and she says "I needed Dada and Mama came."
Me: "Baby Emmett tooted." Clarita: "Like Tio!"

One night Clarita was looking out her bedroom window when she exclaimed, "The casas (houses) have ojos (eyes)!" referring to the solar lights in front of the house across the street.
Clarita (as she walks on dada's feet): "Dada you have yucky feet." Dada: "Why?" Clarita: "They smelly!"

"Only niƱos grow not adultos." Me: "Adultos grow fatter." Clara: "You fat mama!"
Clara: "I don't know what's wrong with me." Me: "Why do you think something's wrong with you?" 
Clara: "There's something in my mouth." Me: "What is it?" Clara: "Blueberries I tink." (there was nothing in her mouth)

After seeing that the housekeepers had put her cabbage patch doll in her chair with her sunglasses on she said, "No Housekeepers, Zoe no have sunglasses. Housekeepers, you crazy."

"Whatev Mama. Whatever."
"Don't cry baby Emmett. Don't make me sad."
"Shake your booty mama!" Followed by, "Lay on the ground and dance like the lady in All About that Bass."
Clarita: "What are you doing mama?" Me: "Plucking my eyebrows." Clarita: "That's not real nice."

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