Saturday, October 21, 2017

Santa Cruzin'

We headed to Santa Cruz at the beginning of September for Dada's half Ironman. We had a stop at Casa de Fruta for potty and play on the way there. We stayed with Bill and Jill again but unfortunately they were only there for a few hours before heading off to Jamaica. Their friend Joanne was house sitting and Clara hit it off great with her. The kids enjoyed playing on the deck, playing with Joanne, and being crazy! 

When your Mama forgets your pjs you
happily wear your sister's leggings!

Enjoying Joanne

"I made you Mama! The only thing differnt
is the bow!" 

Giant burrito!

We hit up the Greek festival again where we enjoyed great food and the kids danced away. We also went to Natural Bridges State Park where we enjoyed great views and the kids had fun playing!

Unfortunately Dada had thrown out his back numerous times in the month leading up to the triathlon. He had gone to the chiropractor almost daily the week leading up to the event and hoped his back would hold up. It didn't. He swam great and was third in his age group (after an hour delay due to fog and a course change due to high bacteria counts in the ocean)! Then he biked 56 miles and his back was shot. He said that he jumped off his bike, tried to take a step, and couldn't straighten up. He walked to where the kids and I were watching and wisely decided that he should not run a half marathon when he could barely walk. So we went to the beach instead! The kids had a great time playing in the waves and Clara literally rolled in the sand and made sand angels until she was covered in sand. Emmett, on the other hand, hated when sand got on him and cried that he was messy!

"Remember when I fell off this and cried last year?"

Cheering Dada on!

Someone made a dog friend


"I messy!"
As we were walking up from the beach, Dada decided to stop and see what was bothering his foot. It turned out he had a piece of glass lodged under his skin that had probably been there since his swim. Meaning that he rode 56 miles with a piece of glass in his foot! The kids were spent and Emmett actually fell asleep while eating pizza in the stroller and stayed asleep for several hours amidst getting in and out of cars. 

After nap Sunday we hit up the Boardwalk and went on almost all of the kid rides. Both kids absolutely loved it and we ended with the ferris wheel. I went with Emmett and nearly died when we stopped on the top for what felt like forever. Although I am a lot better than I used to be, I do not like heights and this was amplified with a toddler who thought it was fun to rock back and forth. I knew he was going to fall out! Luckily it turned out fine! We ate pizza and got back in time for a sunset golf cart ride during which we saw quite a few deer including some babies!

Monday we headed to the Mystery Spot and were properly amazed. It's crazy the things that happen there. They may just be an optical illusion but I prefer to believe there's something more going on...maybe aliens!

In order of height...

We shrunk even though the board in level...

After lunch we headed home and Emmett slept most of the way while Clara chattered away. We made it home in time to eat dinner and go to Clara's first dance class. It was a jam packed weekend but so much fun!

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