Saturday, April 28, 2018

March Fun

March was a busy month. We managed to get in some more skiing before the snow melted. The kids had fun and Clara improved so much. She can legitimately ski now which is nice because it means one of us can go up and snowboard while the other one stays with the kids on the bunny hill. Emmett improved too, but really just wanted to go fast!

We celebrated Tia's birthday with dinner and cupcakes. We had a million birthday celebrations for Clara including the obligatory Red Robin where she got serenaded for the first time!

We went straight from skiing to Teagan's fifth birthday party at Me N Eds Coney Island. Most of the games were a little advanced for the kids but they still had fun. The best was when Emmett tried to play skee ball and literally threw the ball overhand as hard as he could! Both kids loved the virtual reality ride with a seat that moved and air that blew out of it. Teagan had a blast and the night ended with a tantrum from Clara because she didn't want to leave.

I was gone for a week for my annual conference and for the first time since Clara was born Dada and the kids did not come meet me. We had been gone so much and it had finally snowed so we decided to have a weekend at home. While I was gone Dada took the kids to Chuck E Cheese's for the first time. They had a blast eating pizza, playing games, and eating ice cream. That whole week was basically a week of fun. They had ice cream numerous days, celebrated Clara's and Tios' birthdays, and had McDonald's!

We had our second annual Friendster and the kids had a blast eating pizza, hunting eggs, and playing. Drew, the baby whisperer, managed to get all the kids together for a picture. Clara had a blast playing "sneaky ballerina" with Clara and Emmett loved hunting eggs!

We had lots of cousin time including swinging, making secret hideouts, and taking pictures in front of the little tree. Clarita and Emmett have been getting along really well and even spent some time cuddling unprompted. When Clara had her five year checkup, Emmett insisted on laying on the bed with her and even offered her a superhero in case she needed shots. I love when they love each other!

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