Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lo Que Dice Emmett Invierno 2019

Emmett is quite the character. His new favorite thing is to tell jokes/do silly things and laugh hysterically. He thinks he's pretty funny and will do anything (including hitting himself in the head) to get a laugh. He is still difficult to understand, but getting better. He can't say "S" still, but I think it's hilarious when he says, "escared" just like a native Spanish speaker would say. It is difficult to figure out what he's saying sometimes like when he says "trap" instead of "strap" and I think he's talking about something totally different. He says "aminals" and calls a harmonica a “moanica.” I should probably correct him but think it's too cute. One of his new favorite pastimes is getting Elise to copy him so he makes silly noises that she imitates. One day we were driving home from Fresno and the entire ride was filled with pterodactyl screams from them! He loves Elise and is adamant that he wants a baby sister. 

“Buckle me out!” (What he says when he wants out of his carseat.)

When Dada got back from his vasectomy Emmett quietly sang, “No more babies. No more babies”

“Clara is noising me and making me awake!” (She was talking in the car when he was supposed to be napping.)

Followed later that night after Dada went to the bathroom by, “Did you help Dada wipe?” (I think he thought he couldn't do anything since he was laying on the couch all day.)

“We put soup on our hands.” (In Spanish soup is "sopa.")

“We don’t eat bunnies so we don’t cut them in half.”

“Is aguacate (avocado) a fruta (fruit) or salad? I think it more salad.”

“I think Clara did it because I was in my egg.” (aka he wasn't born yet)

“Can pee come out of that tiny hole? Not if I close the hatch!”

“It’s winding!” (About a windmill.)

“Where’s my menu (minion)?”

Emmett: “I’m gonna donate you!” Me: “Then you won’t have a mama.” Emmett: “I’ll have just a Dada and I’ll get a new Mama.”

“That’s not fair! I want the mano (hand) with more hand!” (I was carrying a bag in the hand he was holding and Bailey had my empty hand.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Frogs and Fairy Tales 2019

We had a blast at Frogs and Fairy Tales again this year! The girls wanted to dress as Ariel so Emmett wanted to be Prince Eric. Turns out it was the easiest costume ever and all I had to get was a white shirt! We got there right as it opened and there was no line for the princesses! The kids and I went through once while we waited for Tia and then again with Bailey and Elise. Emmett was fine with the princesses this year but Elise wasn't so sure. When she got to the frog she shook her head no and walked backwards. It was hilarious! Clara got her nails painted for the first time and was so excited! Meghan, Piper, and Hadley joined us towards the end and the kids had a great time walking around the zoo.