Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Frogs and Fairy Tales 2019

We had a blast at Frogs and Fairy Tales again this year! The girls wanted to dress as Ariel so Emmett wanted to be Prince Eric. Turns out it was the easiest costume ever and all I had to get was a white shirt! We got there right as it opened and there was no line for the princesses! The kids and I went through once while we waited for Tia and then again with Bailey and Elise. Emmett was fine with the princesses this year but Elise wasn't so sure. When she got to the frog she shook her head no and walked backwards. It was hilarious! Clara got her nails painted for the first time and was so excited! Meghan, Piper, and Hadley joined us towards the end and the kids had a great time walking around the zoo. 

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