Friday, October 23, 2020

Easter 2020

Easter was very different than normal this year, but we still managed to have a good time. We couldn't have our annual friend Easter, but we still exchanged filled eggs with some friends so the kids at least got some different eggs to find. They had a blast filling eggs and dying eggs. It almost seemed normal!

Abuelos came over the day before Easter and watched the kids do an Easter egg hunt from the other side of the fence. It was Easter egg hunt number one and the kids had fun! Emmett wore his animal backpack the entire time so that made it more entertaining for the adults!

On Easter the Easter Bunny may have gone overboard. I felt bad that our Hawaii trip, Clara's birthday, and spring break had all been canceled. The kids were pleasantly surprised. Clara decided that you write letters to the Easter Bunny asking for stuff like you do with Santa. I think she thought it worked and will definitely do it next year!

We headed to Tios while Dada went for a run to drop off their Easter baskets. Tio surprised us all by suggesting that the kids take a socially distanced picture in their matching clothes (we obviously still had to dress up even though we weren't doing anything). We came home and I did a children's lesson via Zoom with my kids and Bailey and Elise. Emmett and Clara made some awesome crafts (Emmett's included Jesus' blood and bones on the cross) and they played with their toys while we watched church on TV. It was actually nice and relaxing!

Aba came by in the afternoon and watched the kids do their second Easter egg hunt. They were excited for more candy and fun stuff! We took some pictures and ate some deviled eggs and caramel cupcakes.

We ate dinner outside, played with all our new toys and tried out their new hoverboards. Clara was a natural, I almost killed myself, and Emmett tried a few times and then gave up (unfortunately Dada is too heavy). Clara and I raced around the high school parking lot! It was kind of nice not rushing from place to place and simply relaxing and remembering the reason we celebrate. We did miss everyone though. 

Clara reminded me that I had promised them at least three Easter egg hunts (to compensate for the five plus they normally have) so we did one last hunt the day after Easter. And that was a wrap for Easter quarantine style!

1 comment:

  1. FaFa & I got to watch one of the Hunts, from across the yard. It Was so good to see all of you even from a distance. Miss you all so much. Thanks for letting us come
