Sunday, March 24, 2013

Little Miss Clara

After much waiting, Clara Martine Parkinson finally decided to join us on March 19, 2013 at 9:04 P.M (she decided to steal her Uncle Russell's birthday, but I bet he won't mind sharing). She weighed seven pounds one ounce and was nineteen and a half inches long. We think that she's absolutely perfect! I'll write another post about the labor and delivery, this one is just devoted to pictures of Clara in her first days at the hospital. She had lots of visitors and is so loved already! Needless to say Kevin and I are so happy and in love already! She already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger and I'm not far behind.

Getting checked out before meeting mom

 Skin to skin
 Happy family
Proud Daddy!
 Abuelita Marty
 Abuela Sheri
 Grandpa Bill
 Grandma Peggy
 Abuelo Ty
 Tia Laurie
 Tio Roberto
 Tia Erika
 Great Grandma Margie aka "GG" and Great Grandpa Bill
 My grandma said this was the best day she's had in 50 years, apparently better than my birth!
 Proud mamacita!
The cutest flower!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Clarita! Antes había una telenovela que se llamaba _Luz Clarita_. Googalo! Also, I totally adore family blogs; te agregué a mi reader.
