Monday, March 4, 2013

And so it begins...

Since we have family and friends literally all over the world,  I've decided to start a baby blog! Those of you who know me know that I am at best a mediocre blogger. I did ok on our Peace Corps blog but it was a joint effort with Kevin. I did good at first on our exchange student blog, and then sort of fizzled out as the novelty wore off. I'm hoping to do a much more diligent job this time! I'm hoping that the fact that we actually have internet at home for the first time in six years will be the deciding factor. I will be able to write and post at once and not have to go somewhere to use the internet.

Hopefully I will post some pics of fat Shannon and the nursery this week. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Starting a blog while welcoming a newborn - of course that's a recipe for successful blogging! :) Eager to read updates about Miss Clara and hear you keep it real, as always, on this adventure.
