It's hard to believe that Clara is three months old! She continues to be more and more fun each day, and such a happy baby. She makes new friends everywhere we go and flirts with everyone! Clarita continues to be super easy going and we take her almost everywhere with us. The other day Laurie and I were in Fresno the entire day and Clara was a trooper only crying when she got really tired. Her hair is getting longer and she has a little duck tail in the back. It is also crazy and impossible to tame. Kevin loves this and loves to give her crazy hair.
Houdini |
She always wakes up happy! |
Sonrisas |
Sleeping on Dada's bean bag |
Clara had a bout of not wanting to take bottles last month, but that seems to be cured now and she drinks away. She is starting to laugh and laughs one little laugh at a time, but hasn't progressed to a full on laugh. Kevin keeps trying to get her to really laugh with no success. Clarita is also starting to really like her toys and can occupy herself for a good 45 minutes playing. Almost everything goes straight into her mouth and she now drools like there's no tomorrow. The little Wiggle really likes kids and will smile and "talk" to them. She had a few play dates this month and got to flirt away with all the kids!
Hanging out with Sophia |
She's still meeting new people and I try to document it, but don't always remember...
With Charlotte, my kindergarten teacher |
Kathi getting some snuggles in |
Bri practicing |
Meeting cousin Logan who was very gentle with her |
Clarita's Stats
Weight: 12 pounds
Height: 23.5 inches
Head Circumference: 39 centimeters
What Clara Wears
0-3 month outfits are getting snug and 3 month outfits fit pretty well
Things Clara Loves
Mommy and Daddy, nursing, going for walks, getting undressed and having naked baby time, her "soothie" pacifiers (especially her monito), the bouncy chair, the swing, snuggling, baths, baby exercises, the miracle swaddling blanket, car rides, the Baby Bjorn, the rain forest play mat, reading books, sitting in the Bumpo chair while mommy and daddy eat, massages, being a baby airplane, being held looking over your shoulder like a parrot, meeting new people, ceiling fans, drooling
Things Clara Does Not Love
Waiting, getting buckled into the car seat, shots, being held in a cradled position (especially when she's tired)
How Clarita Sleeps
Clarita continues to sleep off and on throughout the day as she sees fit. I let her sleep whenever she wants and it changes from day to day, but she has started taking a two hour nap in the afternoon. She continues to sleep through the night and usually goes to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 (depending on when she gets tired) and I usually wake her up at 5:45 to eat before I go running. If I don't wake her up, she generally sleeps until 6:30. Clara will then nurse and go back to sleep until 9:00 to 9:30. She gets swaddled at bedtime and sometimes lays awake in her bassinet quietly looking around for a half hour before she goes to sleep. She rarely fusses but if she does we give her a pacifier and she goes to sleep. She has figured how to get her arms (and sometimes her legs) out of her swaddling blanket and sometimes wakes herself up flailing about.
Baby Butter, Clarita, Snugglepuff, Snuggles, Wiggles, Baby/Bebe, Bambina, Sapita, Munchkin (thanks Tia Laurie), Drool Monster
Monthly Exciting Events
June 15, 2013: Clara's puts her legs in the pool (and loves it of course!)
June 14, 2013: Clara's first baseball game
June 10, 2013: Clara's first play date (thanks Logan and Reese!)
June 5, 2013: Clara's first time being babysat away from home (thanks Sarah and Reedcito!)
May 27, 2013: Clara's first hike and trip to the "big trees"
May 26, 2013: Clara's first trip to the cabin
May 23, 2013: Clara's first concert
Monthly Pictures
She was more interested in the monkey than taking pictures |