Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dada Day Weekend

Clara's first Father's Day was a success! We began the weekend with a going away party for Deyra as it was her last weekend in the U.S. She brought four friends to our house and our families came to celebrate all that she has accomplished. We spent the day by the pool swimming and BBQing. Clara put her legs in the pool for the first time and loved it of course. She kicked around and protested each time I took her out! She even rode the alligator with Kevin!
The SEED students (plus Stephanie and Lulu)

Grill Master

The only hat I could find that kind of fit

You can't tell by her expression but she's having fun!

Riding the alligator

This is how Russell protects himself from the sun!
After the party, Kevin, Clarita, and I headed up to the cabin to celebrate Dada Day (as Kevin likes to call it) with his family. We had a great time relaxing, hanging out, and of course eating lots of yummy food! Clara was in a great mood the whole time and slept just like normal. I even got to sleep until 8:30 on Sunday (with a half an hour feeding at 6:00 of course) which is unheard of! 
Looking at those cds!

Lounging with Dada
Clarita loved the cds and colorful tape hanging from the roof of the cabin to scare off woodpeckers. She couldn't stop staring at them! We took her for a short hike and she also played with Tristan and Teagan. She and Teagan had fun hitting each other and "talking"!
Playing together (notice the matching socks, thanks Auntie Traci!)
She's sleeping of course!

We made it to the second bridge before Tristan got tired
It was a really fun weekend and Kevin got in some much needed relaxing too. He is such a great dad and Clara loves him so much. He comes home nearly every day for lunch to see his baby. He helps me out wherever needed and we take turns running/swimming and watching the baby. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or father for Clara and am so blessed to have Kevin in my life! Yay for Dada Day!
It's true, she loves her Dada!

Family picture!

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