Sunday, November 17, 2013


Last year a bunch of our friends participated in "Movember". This entailed growing out their mustaches and raising money to support testicular cancer (getting rid of it, not encouraging it). Kevin's cousin Ashley's husband Yayo (wow that's a mouthful, we'll refer to him as Tio Yayo from now on) had testicular cancer and is now cancer free so they did this in his honor. Tio Chino was one of the participants and when he shaved his mustache he asked Tia Laurie to marry him so Movember is near and dear to our hearts. Russell bought Clarita a mustache pacifier right after she was born declaring that she could participate in Movember because she would raise more money than he ever could. I made her a Movember page at the beginning of November but then forgot all about it. So here's the link: Check it out and watch her mustache grow (seriously it will)! Donate if you feel compelled to, it goes to a good cause. Clarita loves Tio Yayo (I mean he is one of the only people who can speak to her in her preferred language) and wants to celebrate his being cancer free and help other people achieve the same goal by promoting testicular cancer awareness and research (she's already a little philanthropist!)!

Mustache preview

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