Monday, February 17, 2014

Love is in the Air

Neither Kevin nor I are big on Valentine's Day. We both feel that it is kind of a silly day as we show our love for each other every day. We definitely don't do sappy cards and over priced heart shaped gifts, but usually get each other a little something. Luckily Laurie and Russell feel the same as us about Valentine's Day so they came over to hang out.

Kevin has been taking two days a week off to stay with Clara since his parents are in New Zealand for almost a month and usually watch Clara twice a week. Plus, he likes hanging out with the little Wiggle. He was home on Valentine's Day so he made us a wonderful dinner and we hung out and watched Glee and the Olympics. Clarita was obsessed with Glee (since we rarely watch TV she gets really excited when it's on) and preferred to sit next to Tia Laurie holding onto Tia's foot while she watched! It was quite funny.

Kevin has adopted animals (usually monkeys) in my name for Valentine's Day the past few years. We love the zoo and like to be able to support it in different ways (and I LOVE monkeys). This year in addition to my Guenon, we decided to adopt an animal for Clara. We got her an elephant because that was the animal on the form they sent and when I tried to fill out an online form it was too archaic and difficult so I went with the elephant. Plus, we thought she would like to play with the trunk of her stuffed elephant (she did).

Holding her elephant while watching the elephants

We decided to take Clara to the zoo to celebrate Valentine's Day and to pick up her adopt an animal packet. We had taken her to the zoo at night for different events, but never during the day. We thought that she would really enjoy seeing the animals (you don't see many at night). Needless to say the zoo was a big hit! Clara loves animals and was so excited to be surrounded by them! She squealed with delight the entire time and waved to the animals. Clarita really liked the petting zoo and loved petting the sheep and goats. At one point about five sheep and goats came running because the zoo keeper had food. Clara started squealing, kicking, and pointing.

Clarita liked the beggar orangutan

Waving to the animals

"I'm petting a goat!"

I think her favorite animals were the giraffes. She got super excited when she saw them and pointed and yelled. Maybe because she had a toy giraffe? The little Wiggle also loved her stuffed elephant. I thought it was going to be a tiny little thing but it was actually a big elephant that they sell at the zoo. She held on to it the entire time and gave it lots of abrazos. We can't wait to go to the zoo again to see the baby tigers that aren't out on display yet.

Metal animals are cool too!

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