Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Un Dia en la Vida de Clarita

7:05: I hear the baby monitor start beeping like the camera has been turned off. When I check it, it is off and I hear Clara squealing upstairs with Dada. Apparently he was watching the monitor and saw her standing up and decided to get her up. Dada changes her diaper and they play.
7:17: I go up and Clarita says adios to Dada and I nurse her.
7:25: We get ready for our run which involves dressing Clara in her super warm kitty suite.
7:45: Leave for our run. After about 3.5 miles she becomes silent and I think she’s asleep. Turns out she’s just silently watching everything.

8:45: We get home and Baza escapes. We chase him around for awhile (Clara loves this) and then lock him in the garden. I strap Clarita on and we hang her freshly washed diapers. She helps me to put the clothes in the dryer.

9:04: Time for a late breakfast of oatmeal with chia, cinnamon, and peaches. Clara is still hungry so she eats a baby banana too!

9:20: We brush our teeth (or gums in her case) and then it’s shower time. Clarita “reads” a book in her bumbo while I shower and then squeals with delight as I wash her.

She loves to brush her "teeth"

So many toys to choose from

10:00: Clara gets dressed for the day.

10:10: Clarita is really tired so we read a book before nap time.

Picking out a book

10:16: I put her in her crib and she plays with her animals for a couple of minutes and is asleep by 10:25.

11:45: Clara is wide awake playing in her crib. We do a diaper change and head to the kitchen where she plays with some lemons while I make lunch.

12:08: Clarita starts signing eat so I put her in her booster seat and we eat lunch. She loves her grilled cheese sandwich, kiwi, blueberries, and milk!

12:40: Clara watches her “Baby Signing Time” DVD. She actually lays in the bean bag the entire time amidst squeals, lots of pointing, and a few signs.

1:10: We got outside to do yard work. Clara isn't super excited about putting on her hat and tries to pull it off. She gets distracted by her toys and plays on her blanket. The little Wiggle waves to all the cars and people going by. Most of them stop to wave back! She also eats some cheerios (and grass) as a snack when she starts signing “more” while holding the container of cheerios.

"Why do I have to wear this?"

2:35: We head inside for a diaper change and get ready for her nap.

12:49: Clara starts signing “milk” so I nurse her and she falls asleep.
2:56: Nap time.
4:20: Tia Laurie and Abuelita stop by for a visit and our talking wakes the Wiggle up (I don’t think they were too sad about this). She wakes up super happy and plays with them for a little while. She is really excited about a package that came while she was asleep and keeps pointing at it and crawling over to stand and bang on it.

Tortuga hat!

"Don't leave Abuelita."

4:45: Tia Laurie and Abuelita leave and I give Clara horsey rides through the house. She loves this and uses her legs to push herself up and down while we bounce around.
5:00: Clara plays in the kitchen while I make dinner. It looks like hurricane Clarita came through as there is a path of destruction including lemons, cat dishes, syrup, and plastic containers in her wake. I feed her some Joe’s Os on the floor to tide her over until dinner (I just mopped I promise).

Cat doors are fun

Who doesn't feed their baby Joe's Os on the floor?

5:30: Dada gets home and they play and he changes her diaper.
5:58: We eat a dinner of salmon, peas, broccoli, focaccia bread, and oranges. Dada gives Clarita oranges before she is finished with the rest of her dinner not believing that she will refuse to eat anything except fruit after that. Turns out it’s true and she proceeds to eat her body weight in oranges. Luckily she had already eaten a bit of other food so it wasn't too big of a deal.

6:45: Clara is finally done eating oranges and we play in living room while Dada finishes cleaning up. She becomes very upset when I take the remote away from her and throws a fit.

"Wait, I made the TV turn on?"

"Give me back my remote!"

7:10: We walk to store where Clarita becomes obsessed with two mangoes and cries when we take them away from her to pay for them. She holds onto them the entire way home!

7:37: We get home and unload the groceries which Clara loves because she can stand in front of the open refrigerator and try to grab things from inside.
7:45: One last diaper change and Clarita gets ready for bed. This takes forever because she crawls away after each article of clothing comes off.

Baby prison (notice that she's eating her hippy teething necklace while trying to grab Spikey)

8:05: We each read her a story.

8:15: I nurse Clara and she falls asleep while nursing.
8:22: The little Wiggle is out for the night and doesn't wake up until 7:15 the next morning!

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