Monday, May 19, 2014

Mother's Day

This year Mother's Day was a busy affair. It probably just seemed really busy because I was super tired and just wanted to relax and rest all day. We started off the day with a yummy breakfast made by Dada and then headed to church. Clara fell asleep on the way to church and actually stayed asleep for 20 minutes of the service so she got a whopping 45 minute nap...better than normal Sundays!

After church we headed to Tio Robert and Tia Erika's house and Clarita refused to sleep on the drive there. She was really excited to see their two dogs and spent a lot of time by their kennel woofing at them and signing dog. She especially loved when they jumped in the air and licked her fingers through the fence. Tia Estefana got all of the mothers beautiful orchid corsages and Clara thought that was a fun new toy to play with when I held her.

We had a super yummy lunch of pasta and all the fixings. Clara was pretty tired by lunch time and only wanted to eat fruit and bread. I'm pretty sure she ate her body weight in fruit! We actually remembered to take some family pictures before everyone scattered to their next events!

Clarita fell asleep on the way to Tia Alyssa and Tio Rene's house but woke up as soon as we got there. She was so curious about all the people talking that she would not go back to sleep. A 45 minute morning nap and hour afternoon nap are not enough for Clara so she was not her normal happy self. Teagan kept pushing and hitting Clarita if she got too close to her toys or her mom and the poor little Wiggle just couldn't handle this in her tired state. She started crying on a couple of occasions when Teagan hit her. Tristan wasn't feeling well and spent most of the afternoon sleeping on the couch. Clara loves Tristan and kept walking up to him and patting him. She was really excited when he woke up and smiled at her!

This is her "Why does Bubbles keep hitting me
when I push the red button? face

By the end of the evening both Clara and I were exhausted! Teagan decided that she liked Clara better when she was in her car seat and came over to say goodbye to her and give her nice pats. We forgot to take family pictures there, but I did get a few of the girls playing nicely. Clara was asleep the second we drove away and woke up to play a little before bed once we got home. It was a super long day for her but I think she had fun.

Since this is a Mother's Day post, I want to take a minute to reflect on all that my mother does for us. Don't get me wrong, there have been so many people that have helped us out with Clara, but Abuelita really goes above and beyond. She watches Clarita three days a week and never complains. In fact, all she can talk about is how much fun the two of them have together and how much she loves Clara! She is the definition of a doting grandmother and says that she smiles the entire drive home after watching Clara. When I have to go out of town for work, Abuelita comes early and stays late. She takes diapers off the line and stuffs them while Clara sleeps and she brings Clarita to meet us at doctor appointments so we don't have to miss too much work. She basically always does whatever she can to help, usually without being asked.

Clarita loves Abuelita and often jumps out of my arms to get to her when she arrives in the morning. They have so much fun together at the park and all Abuelita has to do is ask Clarita if she wants to go swing and the little Wiggle has already forgotten about me! When I was young I swore that I would be nothing like my mom when I grew up and had kids of my own...turns out I followed in her footsteps and hope that I can do as good of a job raising my kids as she did with my brother, sister, and I! We love Abuelita!

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