Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New and Old Friends

This past weekend my old roommate Beth, her husband Ken, and their 11-month old Hadley, came to visit. Although Clara and Hadley met for the first time Clarita was six months old and Hadley was a couple of weeks old, I think this meeting had a more lasting effect! Clarita was in love with Hadley. Thursday morning before the Hailes took off to Yosemite, the girls got to play and Clara was so excited that there was a baby in her house! She kept signing and saying baby and pointing to Hadley. She also liked to touch her and even started crawling around with her since Hadley isn't walking yet! It was hilarious!

Hadley checking out the DVDs

Friday afternoon the Hailes returned from their Yosemite adventure and we headed up to the cabin for more adventures. Clara was very excited to sit with Beth and Hadley the backseat. Poor Hadley missed her nap and was not a fan of the hour long drive. At one point when Hadley was crying, Clarita patted Beth on the leg as if to say, "I feel your pain." It was pretty funny. Little Hadley was a trooper though and was super happy once we arrived at the cabin. We cooked dinner and Dada got there in perfect timing, right as the food was ready. Clara thought it was fun to have Baby Hadley sitting next to her at dinner, but was more interested in watching her than eating. After dinner Hadley got a bath in the sink and the girls went to bed. They are both excellent sleepers and were out in a flash so the adults could hang out.

Clara is not good at sleeping in if she is in the same room as us. She wakes up and sees us and becomes really excited. Saturday morning she woke up at 5:45, stood up laughing and saying "Mama Dada!" Crazy Dada went for a 14 mile run and Clarita laid in bed with me while I tried to sleep some more. I think I got a half hour of sleep in before she decided to stand up and bounce on the bed. Hadley was a better sleeper and did not get up until after 7:00.

Waking up early makes a girl hungry!

After breakfast we headed out for a hike to the big trees. Both the girls fell asleep right away and slept for most of the hike. They randomly woke up at the same time and were happy after their short cat nap. We drove up to Panoramic Point to look at the views, but the girls were getting pretty tired by this point so we headed back for lunch and naps.

Rubber neck babies

Being carried is for babies!

They both took good naps and we all rested too! After nap time we headed out for a hike to Big Stump. It was a nice little hike that ended at the "big stump". It was certainly big and stumpy! The girls liked the hike and even held hands for a little while. Clara was obsessed with Hadley and kept saying "baby" and pointing to Hadley.

My what a big stump...

We got back to the cabin and ate dinner and the girls played. Clara enjoyed "brushing" Hadley's hair and worked on sharing her toys. She does not like to share monito but does pretty good with the rest of her toys. Sometimes she needs some prompting. The girls were exhausted after a long day and headed to bed around 8:30. Clara made it until 6:20 the next morning before standing up and saying, "Mama Dada" and laughing.

Buried under bears!

After a quick breakfast we headed out so the Hailes could make their trek back to Orange County. Once again Clara was super excited that Hadley was in the back seat with her. I think Clara had a lot of fun playing with Hadley. When we got back from church I asked her who was inside the house. She usually says Dada, but this time said, "baby." She was disappointed when she wasn't right. At dinner she had some cantaloupe and pointed to it and said "baby" probably because Hadley ate a ton for breakfast the previous morning. Clarita also began shrieking at the top of her lungs (happy shrieks) like Hadley did. It's pretty funny! It was a fun weekend and we are sad that the Hailes don't live closer. We can't wait to see them again!

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