Friday, April 3, 2015

Clara's Second Birthday Party

We had Clarita's second birthday party the weekend before her birthday since I was going to be out of town the following week. I decided on a circus theme since Clara loves animals and it seemed like an easy theme. We got a bounce house (Clarita also loves bounce houses) and had circus food like popcorn, hot dogs, corn dogs, nachos, and chicken nuggets! I made some paper flag banners out of circusy prints and used cages with animals inside for the centerpieces. It was super easy! We invited all of Clara's little friends and she was so excited about the party. She at first told us that only ninos could come, but changed her mind when she realized that the parents had to bring the ninos! I did a terrible job of taking pictures, but luckily Tia Erika came to the rescue!

Cupcakes on a carousel!

Tia Laurie makes good chalkboards!
Clarita absolutely loved the bounce house. She had been talking about her party all week and what she was going to do: eat cake and ice cream (we did not have ice cream), bounce in the bounce house, and play with ninos. The bounce house arrived right before Clara needed to take a shower and she immediately got in and started bouncing and screaming at the top of her lungs (happy screams). She cried when she had to get out and bathe and was ready to get back in as soon as she was dressed. Tia Alyssa made Clara a super cute red and white striped circus skirt and bow and Tia Laurie made her a shirt with a two on it out of buttons (my one creative idea of the year). Clara looked very cute and circusy!

Denae and Rory and Tia and Bailey


Ryland (if you look you can see Clara and Reed in the background
probably playing with their favorite friend Sophie)



Bailey and Tia Estefana



Connor has the best arm of any
 two-year-old out there!

Highlights of the party included all of the kiddos jumping in the bounce house, Reedcito proposing to Clarita (at least it looked like that was what he was doing), Clarita and Sophia playing (I think Reedcito liked playing with Sophia even more than Clara did), Kierito sitting on top of the kid's picnic table to drink his milk, Clarita eating her much anticipated cupcake (followed by two more when she woke up from her nap), Clara and Teegee playing in the exersaucer, and Bailey being cute.

Proposal! They won't tell us what she said...

King of the table!

She even blew out her own candle!


The babies

Before the poop explosion

Exersaucers aren't just for babies...

We had a good turn out and even though it was a little warm, it didn't feel too  bad in the backyard. We are so blessed to have such great friends and family to help us celebrate our little Wiggle! Clara absolutely loved the party and threw a tantrum when she finally had to take a nap (much later than usual). She talked about the party for the rest of the week and is obsessed with her new toys (the ones I didn't hide in the basement)!

So excited about her car from Tio Robert and Tia Erika!
Zoom zoom

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