My sweet angel turned into a monster this month! He started hitting, kicking, and pulling my hair when he doesn't get his way right away. Usually if I ask him to give me pats instead he will stop hitting, but not always. We are working on stopping this behavior! Emmett stopped nursing this month which was bittersweet for me. I knew it was coming as he was more into playing than nursing. When we did our run to Pismo I had a feeling it would be the end of nursing and I was right. When we got him at the end of the race I could tell that he wanted to nurse, but it was freezing and dark and I didn't do it. Then he fell asleep on the way home and didn't want anything to do with nursing when he woke up. The next morning he didn't want anything to do with nursing either and never requested it again. I feel like this was the last baby thing Emmett did and now I feel like I have a big boy.
So big |
Emmett did his best to kill himself this month. He began by knocking out his front tooth! He was actually not doing anything crazy, he just stood up while eating breakfast at their little table, tripped, and slammed his tooth into the very corner of the table. I picked him up and noticed the dent his tooth left in the table. I opened his mouth and there was blood everywhere and I couldn't see his tooth. I thought he had swallowed it, but turns out it was just sticking straight up. It was the closest I have ever come to freaking out. (Emmett was more concerned that I took his bloody banana away than the fact that his tooth was at an odd angle.) Luckily Kevin was still home and he called our friend Deric who is a dentist and I called Kate. They both told us the same thing and I called the dentist who luckily was about to open and got us in right away. They took x-rays and realized they could not save the tooth so they had to pull it. Emmett was a little trooper and only cried when the dentist laid him down to pull the tooth. It was very quick and he stopped crying as soon as he sat back up. Emmett and I went to Target and got some snacks and he hung out at work with me until Dada finished his meeting and took him home for lunch. Unfortunately Emee will not have his front tooth until his permanent one grows in, which will probably be when he's eight since his teeth are so slow to grow.
The only picture we got of the tooth |
Playing in Mama's office is so fun |
The tooth incident was quickly followed with Emmett splitting his eyelid open. He kept standing up in the bath and I told him that if he did it one more time he had to get out. He stood up again and quickly sat back down. I should have taken him out but I didn't. He then stood up again and as I was about to grab him to take him out, he slipped and slammed his head on the side of the tub. There was blood everywhere and Emmett was mad that I was trying to clean it off. Dada came in and he went straight to him and stopped crying. We sent pictures to Abuela Sheri who sent them to a doctor friend. The verdict was that he probably needed a stitch but that it wasn't worth the trauma for such a tiny guy. I don't even know how that would have worked since he ended up throwing the bottle and smearing liquid bandaid everywhere when I tried to put that on him. His eye was definitely swollen the next day but healed pretty quickly. Emmett didn't seem bothered at all. Clarita was really disappointed that we didn't take him to the ER. She actually told me to take her out of the bath and put her clothes on because she wanted to go to the ER!
Swollen, but still open! |
Ouch! |
Emmett has been talking a little more, and he definitely uses signs more. He is pretty good at getting his point across with a mixture of signs, grunts, and pointing so I don't think he has much incentive to talk. He loves to play outside and often grabs my finger and pulls me to the door or to his shoes. He loves riding his bike, riding Clara's scooter, and climbing stairs. He is getting pretty good about holding onto the railing and walking down, but it still makes me nervous.
Thus far, Emmett has been pretty good about the Christmas decorations. He likes to look at them and point to them, but he doesn't touch them. Maybe he's afraid that Santa (who he hates) will come and get him if he touches the decorations!
Emmett continues to love other kids, especially Clarita and Bailey. They often help me wake him up in the mornings and he always gets excited to see them! He also loves his crib and does not want to get out in the morning. I now change his diaper and get him dressed while he is in his crib or he screams. Once that is done he is usually content to get out. Emee and Bailey are little trouble makers and are definitely going to cause some mischief as they get older. Luckily Clara is a rule follower and lets us know if they do anything they aren't supposed to. The three of them really do love each other and they have so much fun together!
This is how we do mornings |
These two... |
Head Circumference: 19 inches
12 to 18 and 18 month clothes are starting to get tight but 18-24 months are still too big. Pajamas are 18 months. Shoes are a size 5.
Mama and Dada, being carried in the carrier, Clarita and Bailey, playing with his toys, being a baby airplane, people in general, spitting, splurping, eating, animals-especially his cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree, baths, being outside, climbing, balls, running, hats, trying to jump, dancing, eating, socks, and shoes.
Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, having his face/nose wiped, having things taken away from him, being set down when he is hungry or tired, having his diaper changed, being held when he wants to walk, and being told no.
This little guy is getting pickier and pickier. He only eats what he wants when he wants it. His favorite foods are pizza and goldfish crackers. He still likes all fruits, some veggies, and meat is hit or miss. He will eat anything if it is on a pizza!
He is starting to sign a lot more and constantly signs please when he wants something. He signs more, eat, sleep, water, hat, please, thank you, baby, all done, outside, dog, cat, fish, horse, ball, train, drink, brush teeth, car, shoes, socks, wash hands, Dada, Mama, diaper, .
Emmett is still not a big talker but babbles away constantly in his alien language. He prefers to point and grunt/whine when he wants something. He says Mama, Dada, ma (mas), awa (agua), cl (clara), up, dow (down), a a (hat), baal (ball), buh ba (bye bye), awa (agua), uh uh (uh oh), bay (baby), papa (pizza), Bail (Bailey), bapa (Baza and calabaza [pumpkin]), Aba, da (thank you - Clara said it the same way), aa daa (all done), dat (that), I know (I don't know - it's how Bailey says it), myyy (mine-guess where he learned that?!).
He has been going to be earlier, usually by 8:00 and waking up between 7:00 and 7:30 (sometimes I have to wake him up). He only takes one nap now usually around 1:00 and sleeps two to three hours (sometimes four!). He sleeps in his crib with a sleep sack, his water bottle, and a million animals that he likes to play with when he wakes up. Conejo is his favorite that he usually snuggles with. He also snuggles with his water bottle! He generally sleeps on his stomach.
He went backwards this month and only has three now! He has both bottom front and now only his top left since he knocked his top right out.
Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Brudder
Monthly Exciting Events
November 9, 2016: Drops morning nap
November 11, 2016: First trip without mama and dada
November 12, 2016: Stops nursing
November 15, 2016: First trip to the dentist - loses first tooth
Monthly Pictures