A couple of weeks ago we went to Los Osos for our friend Ben's (aka Verdo) wedding. We rented a house with los Tios and Bailey and brought Aba along to watch the kids (and enjoy the beach). We got their first and tried to eat a nice dinner. Emmett had other ideas including laying on the ground screaming and kicking and throwing tantrums in his seat. Luckily there were lots of crazy hats which calmed him down. The kids all took a bath once Bailey got there and Clara picked out beds for all of them. Emmett got a Pack N Play in a giant closet and she and Bailey shared a room (she was very insistent that they sleep in the same room but not the same bed because Bailey kicks).
Naked dance party! |
Saturday was a perfect day and we took the kids to the beach after a beautiful beach run, pancakes made by Tia and the girls, and a Christmas pajama photo shoot. It was a little cold and Clara insisted on taking her pants off because she is too skinny and they were literally falling off. There were some rocks to climb, frisbees to play with, and lots of fun!
View from our run |
Clara may have gotten a little too much of my personality... |
Babies in a bar |
The wedding was very intimate and couldn't have been more perfect.It was absolutely gorgeous weather and both the bride and groom looked amazing! They live in Chicago but Ben is from Reedley and his parents live in Los Osos now. We headed back to get the kids after the ceremony and only Bailey was awake. We woke the other two up with not too much fussing and headed to the reception at Ben's parents' house. It was complete with a good fired pizza truck and the kids had so much fun playing with all the other kids. Drew, the baby whisperer, entertained the kids for a good chunk of time and managed to get them to all sit still (well except for Emmett) and do what he said. Clara is obsessed with Drew now and says that he is her best friend and that she likes him more than she likes me! Emmett managed to grab two cupcakes and scarf them down. He proceeded to terrorize the world and scream when he couldn't do what he wanted (try to kill himself by climbing things).
All dressed up |
Cupcake! |
The ice was a great hit! |
So was the baby car seat |
Drew the baby whisperer |
Sunday we packed up and headed to Morro Bay to the world's smallest/saddest aquarium. There were several seals in very small enclosures and you could purchase sardines to throw to them. We did and although Clara refused to touch them (I can't blame her) all the kids loved watching the seals yell and jump around for their food. There were several fish tanks inside and Emmett kept signing fish and was enthralled. I believe the aquarium is going to be shut down next year and I can't say that I am sad about it as the animals didn't really seem to have the best quality of life. We braved the rain and walked to lunch. All of the kids threw at least one tantrum during lunch, a sure sign nap time was approaching. Emmett fell asleep right away in the car, but Clara refused to take a nap and sang the whole way home!
He inhaled his food! |
Spaghetti slurping |
Tantrum trowing |
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