Sunday, November 27, 2016

Kids' Feat to the Beach

Tia is a saint and took care of the kids while we ran. She and Tio saw us off and then took the kids to lunch before heading to Meghan's house in San Miguel. The kids all slept on the way and I think their trip was probably a little better than ours! The kids all had colds and woke up numerous times during the night. Tia had to sleep with Emmett on her for awhile and needless to say, didn't get a lot of rest.

She gave Tio up to us in the morning and dealt with three small children on her own the rest of the day. Luckily she had a little help from Meghan, and she said having Tio Robert and Tia Erika meet her at the finish line was a lifesaver since three kids at the beach was crazy. We're so lucky to have such an awesome Tia to take care of our kids!

After the race we headed to Cayucos to Brian and Katie's beach house. We were both exhausted and the kids were too. They both fell asleep on the way there (so did Phil) and Emmett only woke up to put pjs on before going to bed. Clara hung out and ate pizza with us and helped sing happy birthday to Dada and eat the pie that Katie was so sweet to get (I kept forgetting that it was his birthday). I could barely carry Clara up and down the stairs I was so tired. After an amazing shower we went to bed and slept for nine hours! 

I was still exhausted Sunday. Ryan and his family came over and the kids had fun playing games Phil invented. We took the kids to the beach and they had a blast. We had a really fun lunch complete with Emmett kicking on the floor and then went back and Emmett and I took much needed naps while Dada and Katie took the kids to the beach (Brian had to fly out for work that morning). They drove down in the golf cart and Clara had a blast finding shells and playing with Charlotte, Maddie and Tyler.

Our trip home was uneventful. Both kids fell asleep immediately. Clara woke up in Kettleman City when we stopped at In N Out and Emmett slept until we were almost home. I even got another nap in and finally started to feel like a real person again!

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