Sunday, November 20, 2016

Donuts in Disguise

Eliana turned two right before Halloween and had a Donuts in Disguise party. Ashley did a great job with decorated donuts, a bounce house, and tons of awesome food. All the kids (and most of the adults) dressed up and the theme of the night seemed to be pirates. Clara requested that she be Elsa and Bailey be Ana and that Emmett and I be pirates so we obliged. Dada was boring again and refused to dress up. We had tons of fun celebrating sweet Eli B.!

Wonder Woman Eli

Elsa and Ana

So much love

Wonder Woman and Taz

My little pirate refused to wear the rest of his costume

Ninja Turtle (that Tia Alyssa made) with the princesses

Jeffrey the scuba diver

You should hear these dinosaurs roar! 
Don't worry, Elsa froze the dinosaurs

Pirate cousins

Eden and I were twins, thanks for the costumes Charlyse!

A ninja (aka Russell) and an astronaut

More pirates!

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