Sunday, November 20, 2016

Halloween 2016

We had another busy Halloween. By the time the actual day rolled around we had already celebrated numerous times. On actual Halloween I met Aba at church for Trunk or Treat. It was kind of warm, but the kids were troopers. Clara did an excellent job of handing out candy. I told her to give each kid three candies and she counted them out each time and got upset if they didn't take all of them. Bailey did great helping me hand out bags of candy and Emmett enjoyed being held and playing in the car.

How we kept him enertained


Buckling herself into Emmett's car seat

We headed home for a short rest and costume change before heading over to Charlyse and Scott's for some food and trick or treating. We scrounged around and found some old costumes that we reused. The big kids had a great time trick or treating and Emmett was content to be carried and then run around playing. We went to the perfect amount of houses and Clara even got a few lollipops! The kids had fun playing together and even got some snuggles from Peppa Pig who made her yearly appearance. Clara has never watched the show, but has still been enthralled with her the last two years. This year she said, "I think Peppa Pig is a real sweet pig." We had a ton of fun, but I think we are Halloweened out!

Who knew Dino loved pizza?

"I'm on the ground because I'm your pet."

Trick or treat

Better than Santa!

All the little cousins and their lollipops!

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