Friday, March 10, 2017

Cabin Fun with the Hailes

Beth, Ken, and Hadley made the trek out (it literally took them 8.5 hours instead of 3.5 due to rain and mudslides) to visit us President's Day weekend. We headed up to the cabin Saturday after breakfast and met los Tios up there. It was snowing when we got there and absolutely beautiful. It was Hadley's first time in the snow and she loved it! We ate lunch and then played in the snow. We sledded, walked around, threw snowballs, and made snowmen. It was a lot of fun even if it was freezing. 

Los Tios went home at nap time and Emmett took a nap while the girls watched Aladdin. They both loved it and the adults relaxed and reminisced about junior high when we (Beth and I anyway) loved Aladdin. The kids played in the snow again in the evening and then we had dinner. They had fun playing in the cabin with all of the stuffed animals and then we attempted to put them in the same room to sleep. Clara was really excited and then got sad when she realized that I was not sleeping in there too. After a few tears she agreed to it. We kept hearing laughing and talking and Beth went upstairs to find that the girls had turned the light on and were chatting away while poor little Emmett laid there half asleep. They agreed to go to sleep and quieted down. I'm glad they were having so much fun! We enjoyed some wine and popcorn while we caught up.

Sunday Clara woke up crying because her leg hurt. She woke Emmett and Hadley up and Emmett too. Dada brought her down to sleep with me and he slept in her bed and got Emmett calmed down. Everyone was up early and we had breakfast before going for a snowshoe adventure. The girls sang the whole time and Emmett slept. We went sledding when we got back and it was Beth's first time! We all had fun, especially Emmet. He got upset each time he had to stop sledding. 

We had lunch and played a little before going back out into the snow for one last time. We sledded and played until we were all freezing. Emmett and Hadley discovered a little stream from the melting snow and played in it until they were soaked. I think all of the kids thoroughly enjoyed the snow (and the adults too).

We packed up and headed home. All of the kids fell asleep for almost the entire trip. I think they were exhausted! We had dinner and the Hailes headed out hoping to have a short trip home. As always we had a great time with them and can't wait to see them again!

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