Friday, March 3, 2017


Dada and Mikael had a conference in Monterrey and somehow Erin and I got convinced that it would be super fun to drive four small children to meet them for the weekend. It just happened to be my birthday to boot! Luckily the trip went pretty well. Emma fell asleep right away, Jeffery slept for a little while, Emmett was happy and fell asleep when we were almost there, and Clara kept us entertained including complying with Jeffery's requests to "make me laugh Clara!" 

We dropped the Johnsons off at the hotel, picked up Dada and headed to the Shoff's house. Clara was beyond excited to get to play with Kiera and Liam was excited that Emmett could actually play and kept commenting on how much he had changed since last March when he could barely sit up. Unfortunately David was out of town, but we enjoyed spending time with Lizanne and she was an amazing hostess as always!

Saturday, Lizanne and Liam stayed home while we took Kiera and met the Johnsons at the aquarium. Clara was pretty excited and Emmett was much more excited than Clara was for her first trip. He kept signing and saying pez (fish) and pointing excitedly to all of the fish. He was excited to see the penguins and waddled around saying "awk awk" (obviously the sound penguins make)! Jeffery was pretty excited about the fish, the scuba divers, and he told me his favorite underwater animal was a giraffe. I think he may have been a little disappointed that we didn't see any! The kids enjoyed watching the fish get fed at the giant underwater adventure and Clara and Kiera had a blast designing digital fish for the digital aquarium. Even little Emma had fun!

We went to lunch and Emma and Emmett flirted and Emma kept giving Emmett things like food, napkins, was super cute! Jeffery was so tired that he fell asleep at lunch. Clara jabbered away and played with Kiera. We headed to Trader Joe's after lunch and the girls had fun finding the otter (and receiving their lollipop prize) while Emmett enjoyed picking out oranges.

Lizanne was super sweet and invited the Johnsons over for dinner and all the kids had a blast playing. Liam was great at entertaining Jeffery and Emmett, Kiera entertained Clara, and Emma wandered around playing a little with everyone. The adults actually got to relax and enjoy some wine and conversation! I need some older kids to help me out! 

Sunday we hit up the park before heading home. It was a great weekend and we are excited to see the Shoffs again in March for our annual trip!

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