Sunday, June 11, 2017

22 Months

My Little Guy is getting so big! He's into everything and wants to do EVERYTHING that Clara and Bailey do. He also wants all the toys and is not great at sharing, especially with Bailey. This leads to a lot of frustration on everyone's part and crying on Emmett's part. Luckily he is still easily distracted and the crying is short lived. It is super cute when he plops down, folds in half, and starts crying though! That's my kind of tantrum and so much less dramatic than Clara's!

Goggles in case there's a tsunami

Necklaces and wands like Clara

The littlest princess

Sad little princess

Just taking their babies for a walk

Emee has started talking up a storm this month. He puts three and four words together and repeats everything we say. He says a ton of words, but they still sound very similar and are even difficult for me to understand. This also causes frustration for both of us when he is trying to tell me something and I can't understand him. I'm starting to wonder if the giant gap from his missing front tooth has anything to do with his difficulty pronouncing things... This month he stopped saying "uh huh" for yes and started saying "yeah." I'm a little sad because his uh huhs were so darn cute.

Wearing one of Dada's old shirts


Dipping graham crackers in yogurt

My little chef (in Dada's old onesie)

Buggle is overall pretty easy going, but when he wants (or doesn't want) something he is even more stubborn than Clarita! He absolutely refuses to eat anything he doesn't want to eat and subsists on mainly fruit, cheese, and pizza. He has discovered ice cream (it's the only word he consistently says in English and Spanish) and always wants it for dessert like Clara. However, if told that he has to take one bite of his dinner or he can't have ice cream, he refuses to eat his dinner and sits (usually without crying) and watches Clara eat her ice cream. She generally feels bad for him and offers him some ice cream so maybe he has figured out a way to win after all!

No ice cream for Emmett...

...what a nice sister

Emmett continues to love everything outdoorsy and sports related. He kicks soccer balls, throws footballs, hits baseballs, and even shoots baskets. He loves riding his bike (also a source of frustration because he can't quite reach the pedals enough to pedal and therefore must be pushed) and wearing his helmet because it means he may get to ride his bike! He is definitely more coordinated than Clara was at this age and is getting pretty good at going up and down stairs solo. He also loves water and cried when Clara went in the pool and I wouldn't let him because it was too cold. I think he'll be a little swimmer this summer!

So sad he can't swim...only watching Bearbears made it better
Reading is exhausting!


Emee squared!

Rory and Emmett can't wait until they
can go to preschool!

Active as he is, Emmett is still my snuggly guy and almost always has a hug and a kiss for me. He goes absolutely crazy right before bedtime, but as soon as I sit down in his chair with him, he calms down and snuggles up to me. Emee also loves to give his animals kisses and have them kiss each other. One morning he even gave his water bottle a kiss! He really likes dolls too and carries them around patting them and kissing them like Clara does. When he gets bored with them he throws them on the ground which upsets Clara. He really is the sweetest little guy and we just love him to pieces!

Naked dance party to VBS songs!

They don't all fit in the chair anymore

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 26 pounds 
Height:  32 inches 
Head Circumference: 19.25 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He can still fit into 18 months pants, but his shirts are 2T now and I have started buying him 2T shorts which fit pretty well. His shoes are in between size 5 and six, and difficult to find ones that fit so he justs wear crocs!

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita and Bailey, playing with his toys, people in general, spitting, splurping, fruit, animals-especially his cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, hats, jumping, dancing, socks, shoes, bikes, scooters, helmets, blowing bubbles with straws, stuffed animals especially Bearbears and Nene, his water bottle, clips, Shopkins.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, having things taken away from him, being told no, Mama carrying Clara or Bailey. Having to share his toys.

Emmett subsists on fruit, cheese, and pizza. Everything else is hit or miss. He is obsessed with all berries right now and cries if we tell him he can't have anymore. 

He signs more, eat, sleep, water, hat, please, thank you, baby, all done, outside, dog, cat, fish, horse, ball, train, drink, brush teeth, car, shoes, socks, wash hands, Dada, Mama, diaper, tree, bird, banana, boat, pear, star, monkey, book, penguin, help, cheese, star, leaf, carrot, rain, plane, sheep, elephant, giraffe, hot, hurt, butterfly, bike, phone, bus, apple, book, butterfly, shoe, sorry, flower, balloon, grape, apple, butterfly, balloon.

This is the last month I'll keep track because he says so much now and I can't even keep track! He says Mama, Dada, ma (mas), awa (agua), wehwah (clara), up, dow (down), a a (hat), baal (ball), bah (bye), awa (agua), uh uh (uh oh), papa (pizza), balee (Bailey), bapa (Baza and calabaza [pumpkin]), Aba, aa daa (all done), dat (that), I know (I don't know), myyy (mine), no, dare (there), nana (naranja [orange]), abi (habichuela [green bean]), bearbear (Carebear), bebe [baby], pe (pez [fish]), turto (turtle), mer (comer [eat]), tar (star), deet (dientes [teeth]), chee (cheese), emo (Elmo), neighneigh (conejo [rabbit]), pa (pan [bread]), ama (grandma), wite dare (right there), I do dit (I do it), apane (airplane), anah (oh no), uh huh (yes), efay (elefante), bii (bib), gat (gato [cat]), pwuh (please), abay (abre [open]), behway (berry), no (nose), da (dog), dar (car), ow, mehmeh (medicine), opdow (upside down), Awlaf (Olaf), Anna, Edsa (Elsa), ot da (hot dog), weh (wet), buh (bus), apo (apple), abay (abre), in ere (in there), bubow (bubble), choo (shoe), papo (zapato [shoe]), flor [flower], coot (scoot), dator (doctor), rahrah (rana [frog]), wayway (huevo [egg]), meh (mess), ah (eye), Dadee, mabo (marble), dada (cuidado [careful]), nar (caminar [walk]), geti (spaghetti), nano (dinosaur), chee (cheese), tanku (thank you), noh (nose), gobo (globo [balloon]), uhbal (football), bah bal (basketball), mamo (te amo [I love you]), wah (walk), reh (red), buu (blue), buubehwe (blueberry), bean bah (bean bag), top (stop), cooter (scooter), buyyy (bike), otdo (otro [other]), buhoh (buckle), Dono (Donald), Mikee (Mickey), Tia/o, air (hair), pikey (Spikey), kihcah (kitty cat), stih (stick), oree (horsee), luz [light], yeah, yay, bah (bad), kitoff (Kristoff), baa baa (sheep), teep tack (sleep sack).

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps until around 6:30/7:00. He takes a nap between 1:00 and 2:00 for 3 to 4 hours. He sleeps with his sleep sack, water, and a million animals. His favorite is Conejo (Nene) followed closely by his Carebears. He generally sleeps on his stomach.

He still only has nine teeth, both bottom front, his top left (top right got knocked out), his top incisors, all four molars.

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Bubba

Monthly Exciting Events
April 30, 2017: Starts putting three words together

Monthly Pictures

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