Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Parties Continue

We kept busy with more parties at the end of May and beginning of June! Lyla turned three and we had a blast celebrating with her! Chelsea made all the kids capes with their names on them and they loved them! The weather had been pretty hot but unexpectedly cooled down that weekend. That didn't stop the kids from playing in the water bounce house. At one point the water had to be turned off because they were shaking but didn't want to get out. The highlight of the party was Connor getting out of the jeep when it stopped working and single handedly pushing the kids in it! The other boys quickly got out and helped him push Clara and Bailey around, it was absolutely hilarious and hopefully not what we have to look forward to in 13 years! We had a great time celebrating sweet Lyla!

The birthday girl

There's literally always a line of kids to play
with Drew!

Connor to the rescue!

Even Baby Joaquin loved his cape!

Clara and her "best friend"

Super Baby Zach

Next up was Jack's party at My Gym. The kids had a blast playing on all the equipment and participating in the games. At one point we sat in a circle and all the kids went around and said their name and happy birthday to Jack. Most of the kids suddenly got shy and wouldn't say anything. Emmett actually whispered his name and when he wouldn't say anything else, Clara reached over, put his hand on his lips, and said "Happy birthday Jack!" in a funny voice as she moved his lips. It was hilarious and I nearly died laughing! We went to the Toms' after the party and the kids swam and we enjoyed spending time with them since we don't get to see them that often. It was a great day!

Where's Clara?

Just raking the water

Jace can't wait until he can swim

Good parties end with sleeping kids

We finished up this leg of party season with Rebecca's third birthday. She had a luau and Clara was obsessed with the little drink umbrellas. Emmett was content to play with all of the riding toys and both kids were a little disappointed that I would not let them swim since the weather had once again changed from hot to cold overnight (we've had really crazy weather this summer). We had to leave early to go to a Fresno Fuego soccer game, and the kids were a little disappointed to miss the cake.

Clara found a ladybug


Luckily there were Dippin' Dots at the game to make up for it! Clara somehow remembered that she had seen them at a baseball game and connected that the soccer games were at the same place and requested Dippin' Dots when I asked her if she wanted to go to the game (she even explained her logic to me). Emmett was a big fan too! The game was fun, Clara cheered, hugged the dragon mascot, and actually paid attention to the game and asked about various rules. Emmett ran around crazy and was terrified of the dragon. Both kids stayed awake until we got home after 10 without any major meltdowns so I'll call it a win!

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