Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Summer Recitals

The annual summer music class recital was once again at the Lutheran church right down the street from us. This time both Clara and Emmett participated as he started classes this year. Emmett's class is made up completely of our friends and their kids so it's pretty funny with all of our parents in the audience and us on stage with the kids. I feel like we're in high school again at a performance! Emmett wanted nothing to do with the recital. I knew he wouldn't, but I didn't anticipate him wanting me to hold him the entire time. I finally got him to stand in front of me but he wouldn't even let me help him with the motions let alone do them himself. Since the recital he has been singing all the songs and doing the motions! Unfortunately, everyone took videos of his class, and we only got a couple really bad pictures.

Clara, on the other hand, did great! She picked out her own outfit and actually sang loud enough to be heard this time! She knows all of the songs and motions and sings them all the time, but tends to get a little shy on stage. Both she and Teagan sang all the songs and did the motions! 

Unfortunately, Emmett cannot last very long in a recital that starts at 6:00 when he hasn't eaten. We attempted to stay for Tristan's performance but Emmett started crying "mer mer (eat)" and signing eat so we had to leave. Clara was really disappointed about leaving and almost cried. Apparently Tristan performed a few minutes after we left so we were bummed about that.

We ate dinner afterwards and ran into Eli and Ryland and the kids had a blast running, singing, and jumping around. Luckily it was a loud restaurant so I don't think anyone minded. Of course Tia Erika gave the kids all a little present and they were super excited. It randomly started raining right after we got home (it never rains in June) and Dada captured an awesome rainbow over the church where they had the recital when he walked home a little later than us.

Excited about their presents!

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