Saturday, July 1, 2017

Clara's First Year of Preschool

I can't believe that Clara finished her first year of preschool! It flew by. For the most part she enjoyed it. There were a couple days (generally when I was at home and she wanted to stay with me) where she did not want to go and cried when we left the house, but she was generally excited about going and never did she cry once we got to preschool. She was always adamant that she did not play with the boys, only the girls, and generally said that her best friend was Grace. Other than that, she rarely talked about preschool and often when I asked her about her day she told me that she "played with Grace and drank juice, and I don't want to tell you anymore." She rarely sang songs from preschool and I honestly don't know what she did aside from the crafts she brought home and the few things the teachers told me.

Her teachers said that she was quiet and took 10 minutes to warm up each day. She apparently was not bossy (I didn't know that was possible) and was very well behaved. When I expressed disbelief about her not being bossy, one of her teachers said that her daughter takes her kids to the library and described a different Clara than she sees at preschool. I'm glad that she presents her best self there!

Clara learned a lot this year. I don't do workbooks or flashcards because I think it's more important to play, and she can learn those things other places. We read a lot and talk about what we read and letters, but I had never tried to get her to write her name or do anything formal. By the end of the year she could write her name well (and loves to write it everywhere). She is able to identify what letter most words start with, can color in the lines, and is pretty good with scissors and glue. She is a great counter in Spanish, but in English always skips from 12 to 16. It's so weird because she does not do it in Spanish. I actually hate counting and rarely go past 20 because I think it's boring so maybe this is something I should be better about doing with her. And perhaps in English instead of Spanish.

The end of the year was filled with activities and one of them was the Mothers and Fathers Day event. I thought it was silly because it was a five minute (if even that long) performance for the parents where they sang a couple of songs. I contemplated going because I would have to drive back from Fresno right in the middle of my work day, but I am glad I went because it meant so much to her. The kids had made plates for the mothers and mugs for the fathers and had drawn pictures of their parents and written (or told to the teacher to write) why they loved their mom and dad. They sang a couple of songs and then we went home. Clara was beaming the entire time and so proud of her presents (which she never once told us about - the girl can keep a secret!). I took her to lunch afterward and we had a great time. I rarely spend time alone with either kid, so it is fun and special when I get to do it!

The last week of school was an open house and ice cream social. Clara was super excited to show us her classroom and all of her projects. The teachers made a really cute album with pictures and crafts in it which was a nice souvenir. Emmett was really excited about playing with all of the toys and we couldn't get him to leave! Since all of Clara's friends go to the same preschool, but on different days, it was fun to see them all and she got to play with them on the playground.

Her safari outfit she made

I'd say that it was a great first year of preschool. Clara chose not to do summer school because she wanted a "vacation!" Really she wanted to play with Bailey and Aba. I let her stay home since she doesn't need to go to school and handles change well so going back in the fall hopefully won't be a problem. She has now decided that she will have her own preschool with Emmett and Bailey where she will teach Spanish, about Jesus' love, as well as teaching Emmett to talk more!

Last day faces!

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