Friday, July 21, 2017

23 Months

Somehow Emmett is almost two! This month he has had a huge jump in the communication department and is talking up a storm. He is still really hard to understand as many of his words sound the same and he can't say a lot of sounds. He's pretty good at pointing and using sign language to help us understand him and I can generally figure out what he's saying (it sometimes takes a few tries though). I'm loving his new ability to express himself and his sweet little voice! He's also taken to arguing with me and loves to say "unh unh" if I tell him yes. It's very cute! Emee also started counting. He has been counting to two or three for ages, but I figured that was just because he hears me counting to Clara when she is not cooperating. He really surprised me when I asked him how many grapes were on his plate and he pointed to and counted each one (there were five)!


Who needs toys when you have a box?

Fun with Tia Erika after lunch
My Little Guy continues to be super active and love doing all things outside and sports related. He loves to swim and put his head underwater. He can legitimately throw and kick and is still obsessed with balls. He's Mr. Independent and "Emmett do dat" is his favorite phrase. He wants to put on his own clothes, put his dishes in the sink, open and close all doors, and walk up and down the stairs. He is pretty good at going down stairs now and doesn't really need help unless he is tired and acting crazy.

"Out, out!"

Such a silly guy!
Emmett is still my sweet little cuddly guy and loves to give kisses, hugs, and snuggles. His little "mamo (te amo) Mama" melts my heart! He likes to give Clara and Bailey hugs and kisses too. He also likes to fight with Bailey. Emmett does not want her to touch any of our toys and starts screaming, "no, no, no Bailey" if she grabs anything (even if he hasn't used it in ages). He's the same way with food unless he offers to share with her. He often does that, but if she tries to take something without him offering he screams. Then he usually ends up giving her whatever it was she wanted so it makes no sense.

Fun with Dada at Gymboree

Fruit and boxes, what else do you need?
Buggle is always on the go and is pretty good at occupying himself with toys and books. If he can't do something on his own he will come running yelling, "elp me Mama." Once he gets help he runs back to play. He also tends to get into much more mischief than Clara ever did (perhaps because we didn't have toys for older kids when she was his age) and I have found him standing on chairs to reach things, stamping his lips like he's putting on chapstick, drawing on his arms and legs, and playing with Clara's scissors (not sharp but still). He screams bloody murder when told no or something is taken away from him, but continues to be easily redirected and distracted.

Sharing some breakfast


Piano playing in the nude!
Emee still says he is a baby and at night I always tell him "Siempre te voy a amar (I'll always love you)" followed by, "Siempre vas a ser mi bebe (You'll always be my baby)." Now as soon as I tell him I love him he says "Siempre bebe" followed by "Baby Hotdog, Emee bebe" (in reference to his doll which he named Bebe Hotdog). It's the cutest!

Bebe Hotdog!

Changing Bebe Hotdog's diaper

Taking care of their babies in church

Emmett continues too brighten our days and we love him to pieces. Even Clara always talks about how much she loves her "Baby Brother." I think he's a keeper!

In front of Dada's giant sunflower that
later grew 20 more sunflowers

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 26.4 pounds 
Height:  34 inches 
Head Circumference: 19.75 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He's in all 2T and his shoes are either 5 or 6 depending on the brand.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita and Bailey, playing with his toys, people in general, spitting, splurping, fruit, animals-especially his cats, going for walks in the stroller, swinging, Gymboree, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, hats, jumping, dancing, socks, shoes, bikes, scooters, helmets, blowing bubbles with straws, stuffed animals especially Bearbears and Nene, his water bottle, clips, Shopkins.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to eat, having things taken away from him, being told no, Mama carrying Clara or Bailey. Bailey touching anything without his permission at his house.

Emmett subsists on fruit, cheese, and pizza. Everything else is hit or miss. He started eating cherry tomatoes from the garden but only while sitting on the kitchen floor directly from the container they are picked into.

He's getting a lot easier to understand (although a lot of sounds still sound the same). Emmett talks in sentences and has also started singing. He doesn't quite sing the entire song but will do parts ("orn on bus, beep beep beep all trew town"). He uses a good mixture of Spanish and English and seems to know who he should speak each language to. If he says something in one language and is answered in the other he immediately switches languages.

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeps until around 6:30. He takes a nap between 1:00 and 2:00 for 3 to 4 hours. He sleeps with his sleep sack, water, and a million animals. His favorite is Conejo (Nene) followed closely by Baby Nene, Baby Munee (Monkey), and his Bearbears. He generally sleeps on his stomach.

He still only has nine teeth, both bottom front, his top left (top right got knocked out), his top incisors, all four molars. I'm starting to think he is never going to grow more!

Snugglebuggle/Buggle, Little Guy, Baby Emmett/Baby, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Bubba, Baby Brother

Monthly Exciting Events
June 2, 2017: First doughnut
June 3, 2017: First M&M
June 6, 2017: Counts five grapes
June 11, 2017: First recital

Monthly Pictures

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