Sunday, July 23, 2017


VBS was the last week of June, and for the first time since Clara was born I was not there the entire week. I went Monday and Friday, but had people from our corporate office at work and couldn't get away the other days. I was sad because I love VBS, but glad that I could be there a couple of days. This year the theme was Maker Fun Factory "A world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they're lovingly crafted by God." Tia did a great job organizing everything and the kids had a great time!

They had a Bible lesson taught by Aba each day, music with Aarne and Jason (I led the first day since Aarne was out of town), crafts, a video lesson, and of course, snack. Clara has been waiting for VBS since last summer and kept talking about the lemonade she was going to drink. She did absolutely great this year, and didn't even cling to me when I was there. It took her awhile to get into the music, and even though she knew all the words and motions she wouldn't really participate until the last couple of days. Emmett is still too young for VBS, but he was a little trooper. He followed the girls around, but got a little sad if he saw me. One day Grandma Donna came to pick Bailey up for music class and apparently Emmett thought he was going too and cried buckets when told he had to stay. He did love VBS and is still chanting "VBS, VBS" and singing the songs! I'd say it was another successful year of learning about God surrounded by friends!

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