Sunday, February 11, 2018

Lo Que Dice Clarita Otono 2017

Clara continues to be a chatterbox. She often tells me that the only time she stops talking is when she's asleep and she's right. She's very intuitive and misses nothing. As spazy as she seems, she is always paying attention and asking me about what she hears on the radio. She likes learning new words and says things like, "This food is delectable!" Clarita is really into spelling right now and is constantly asking me how to spell everything as well as saying random letters and asking me what it spells. She's quite a character and is so expressive and animated which makes everything she says even funnier. Here's some of her latest sayings:

As she carries Baby Suemoto upstairs: "Another baby is getting out of my vagina!"

"Guess what just came out Shannon? A boy baby. Out of my vagina he went!"

"Shannon do you want to do a work out with me? It's not gonna hurt you like Russell's workouts. It's good."

“Baza is my thumb because he’s fat!”

Me: “Did you listen to Tía?” Clara: “Not that much!”

“Show me your fat tummy again! That’s like a Burgin tummy!”

“Rapunzel, I mean Kevin, Kevin let down your long leg!” (As she makes him lift her up and down on his leg)

“Did you get straight hair because Aladdin has straight hair? Does that mean you’re not gonna take a shower tomorrow? Trick-or-treating is not for a long time does that mean you’re not gonna take a shower for a long time? You could wash your body and not your hair.” (Her advice to me about keeping my hair straight)

“He’s too ticklish. I’d have a heart attack!” (About playing with Josh)

“Me and Bailey have different color skin. Mine is white and hers is dark white.”

“That wasn’t very smart Shannon.” After I️ knocked Emmett’s toothbrush on the ground and made a mess.

“Have you ever tasted boogers? You should get me a big bowl of them they’re so yummy!” (In response to me telling her that eating boogers was gross.)

“Grandpa Bill’s trabajo is Great Grandpa Bill.”

“How do you say lodo (mud) in English? Is it dirt?”

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