Monday, February 19, 2018

Life of a Big Sister

Clara continues to be a superb big sister. There is definitely more fighting as they get older, but there is also more loving too! Clarita loves to give Emmett hugs and tel him that he is the best "baby brother" in the world. She also gets excited when he does things and always cheers him on and points out cute things he does to us. One day he apparently made a cut face and she yelled, "look at the face Emmett just made, it is the cutest thing I have ever seen!" She also says that Bailey and Elise are her sisters and has convinced Bailey and Emmett this as well. Clara has finally learned that if she asks nicely Bailey and Emmett will generally share with her. She uses a super sweet voice and phrases it like, "Don't you want to trade me for this really fun toy? I think you'll really like it!" Clara continues to be bossy boss and somehow manages to get most kids to do what she wants. I think it's a gift!

Big sisters get to go camping in the backyard with Dada while little brothers and Mama sleep in their beds.

Big sisters get to go to ballet/tap class! Emmett watches through the window and says he wants to ballet in the class with Clara.

Big sisters get to do a lot of cooking and teach younger kids how to cook. They even get to cut with knives!

Big sisters get to go to preschool and pick out their first day outfits! They get to have fun parties in their classes.

Big sisters get to help Dada clean things and take pictures!

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