Saturday, March 10, 2018

Adios 2017, Hola 2018!

We rang in the New Year at the McClarty's surrounded by tons of friends. There were so many kids and they were all hyped up on sugar and excitement which meant a lot of screaming an running around! They couldn't even sit still to watch a movie (that coupled with the fact that Clara and Reed think most movies are sad/scary). Highlights of the night included boat races in which Tia and Dada chugged Coke Zero (so gross), glow stick dance parties (picture tons of glow sticks flying through the air in the dark), a Happy New Year Cake complete with candles, and a little adult time playing games. The funniest part of the night was a conversation between Clara and Kieran in which she told him that she was going to marry him (despite wanting to marry Reed a week before) and he told her that he was going to marry Teagan. A lengthy argument ensued about why he couldn't marry Teagan (she apparently wants to marry Clara's best friend Grace) and Kieran insisting he was going to marry her. Meanwhile, Reed insisted that he was marrying Clara. It was absolutely hilarious and I can only imagine what the future will look like! 2017 was another great year but we're excited to see what 2018 will bring!

New Year's Eve Cake

Arguing about marriage

Glowstick dance party

Watching the movie all by himself

Iced while receiving his fantasy football trophy

Newest BFFs

We started 2018 with our annual New Year brunch of aebleskivers and egg casserole (among other things). It was delicious and the kids were all pretty excited about the "pancake balls."The kids helped me take down the Christmas decorations and I think Clara may have been as excited about taking them down as she was about putting them up. After naps we headed to Tios' cousin, Nan's, house for their New Year celebration. We filled up on delicious food, caught up with Uncle RyRy, Auntie Jenny, and all of Tio's family. The kids all played nicely and Jackson kept them entertained. It was a great start to the new year!

The only picture I managed to take

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