Monday, March 26, 2018

SoCal Weekend

Mid February I was supposed to run my first marathon in Ventura. Unfortunately I trained terribly and ended up hurting my knee pretty badly so Kevin had to run it for me. Our friend Jarryd, who was one of our site-mates in Catacamas, happened to be in San Diego for a training the same weekend and our other site-mate, Biffy, had just had a baby and lives in L.A. We decided to make a long weekend of it and headed down Friday morning. We stopped in L.A. to visit with Tia Biffy and meet Baby Simon and of course fell instantly in love! He had a very dramatic birth but it just the sweetest little guy! We continued down to SD and met up with Juancito for dinner. He lives in Maine and had never met the kids before so it was fun watching them get to know him! 

We stayed with Mikaela and Zach and the kids had a blast playing with Dylan and Duke in the morning before heading down to PB to eat at Broken Yolk with Juancito and Tio Josue. It was a great morning and we were so excited to have been able to see all three of our site-mates in a 24 hour period. The only thing that could have made it better was if Tia Biffy had been in SD with us! It just happened to be Baby Dylan's birthday weekend so we headed back to Mikaela and Zach's and got to attend Dylan's first birthday fiesta complete with taco bar! It was a great party with delicious food! It was fun to see Mikaela's family whom I had not seen in years!

Dancing with Mikaela

We took some tired kids to Ventura and ate pizza in the hotel while Dada got ready for his race. He left early the next morning and we headed out a little later in the stroller. We ran a couple miles and stopped to wait for Dada to run by. I timed it pretty well and we got to see him several times. We spent the rest of the race playing in the park, having dance parties, races, and playing with bubbles. Dada did a great job in the marathon, especially since he only had about three weeks to train before he had to taper. We are super proud of him! We managed to eat a great lunch and hang out on the pier before heading home. We drove through the area burned in the Thomas Fire and it was pretty crazy, especially since I had been in Ventura for work when it started and had to drive home through all the fires and detours. Both kids slept a couple hours and it was a nice, quiet drive!

Eating peanut butter with a knife

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