Sunday, March 25, 2018

2.5 Years

Emmett continues to be a super happy little guy. He is very stubborn about certain things (like eating) but easy going about most other things. Emee still gets upset easily, especially if you tell him no, but he is easily distracted and gets over it easily. He and Clara get along well for the most part, but lately Clara and Bailey have been leaving him out and he gets upset. His way of coping with it is to declare that he will play with Elise instead! When Clara is at preschool, he and Bailey get along so well and are the best of friends.

My little Buggle is still a cuddler. He often tells me "I wub you Mama, I give you beso and abrazo!" Before he goes to sleep he requests "yots of besos and abrazos." He likes to tell us all the people he loves which usually includes the four of us plus the rest of our family. Emmett also loves stuffed animals and can often be seen carrying one, or several, and giving them hugs and kisses. His favorites are Nay Nay, Baby Nay Nay, Rascal the cat, and Foca Marino his Sea Lion that he sleeps with.

Buggle is pretty into tools, cars, and anything physical. His favorite thing is to jump off of everything no matter how high. He also loves riding his bike or scooter, soccer, football, and all sports. Emmett also loves dressing up, sometimes in superhero costumes and sometimes in princess dresses. He's the biggest copycat and copies everything Clara and Bailey do and say. He literally can be heard repeating snippets of what they say. It's pretty hilarious.

Emee got a big boy bed at the end of December and was so excited about it. I've been making his room into a toddler room instead of a baby room and he has been very excited to help. He would get his tools out and pretend to paint and hammer. I let Emmett pick out his bedding and bookshelf and he was so excited about it. He's very into being a big boy and wanted to give all of his baby stuff to Elise! Aside from pullups at night, Emmett is fully potty trained. He rarely wakes up wet and I told him if he can stay dry for a week he can sleep with undies at night. I think it will happen soon. My baby is gone, but I'm loving this new big boy!

Emmett is such a sweet little guy and he makes our lives so much better. He is so different from Clara and they balance each other out. We all love him to pieces!

Emmett's Stats
Weight: 30 pounds 
Height:  36 inches 

What Emmett Wears
He's in mostly 2T but they are getting tight. His shoes are 6.

Things Emmett Loves
Mama and Dada, Clarita and Bailey, playing with his toys, people in general, splurping, fruit, animals-especially his cats, going for walks, Gymboree, baths, bubbles, being outside, climbing, balls, running, jumping, dancing, bikes, scooters, helmets, stuffed animals especially Nay Nay, Shopkins, copying Clara and Bailey, dinosaurs, dragons, sports.

Things Emmett Does Not Love
Waiting to do anything, having things taken away from him, being told no, not being able to do what Clara and Bailey do.

Emmett loves fruit and pizza. Everything else is hit or miss. He can sometimes be convinced to eat something in order to get dessert, but lately he has been stating that he doesn't want dessert as soon as he sits down if he doesn't like dinner. He generally loves cereal and eats several bowlfuls for breakfast, especially if he didn't eat much for dinner the night before!

Emmett never stops talking...ever! He's still difficult to understand but speaks very well grammatically. 

How Emmett Sleeps
Emmett goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeps until around 6:30. He takes a nap between 1:00 and 2:00 for 3 to 4 hours. He sleeps in a twin bed with his water and a million animals. His favorites are Nay Nay followed closely by Baby Nay Nay, Rascal the cat, and Foca Marino (sea lion). He never gets out of bed until someone comes to get him and loves his bed!

He has 13 teeth, both bottom front, his top left (top right got knocked out), all four incisors, all four molars, and his top left canine. Maybe he'll get the rest by the time he's three!

Buggle, Bebe, Baby Bug, Buddy, Emee, Bubba, Baby Brother

Exciting Events
January 22, 2018: Officially turns forward facing (in Mama's car at least)
January 9, 2018: First time forward facing in a car seat
December 27, 2017: Gets a big boy bed
December 8, 2017: First night sleeping in a big boy bed (with Clara in a hotel)
December 2, 2017: First hot chocolate
November 20, 2017: First juice
November 20, 2017: First juice
November 5, 2017: First time peeing outside
October 14, 2017: First bee sting, first entire day with undies
October 12, 2017: First time sleeping in a bed/with Mama and Dada
October 7, 2017: First iPad watching, first time in his own seat on a plane, first time going potty on a plane
September 23, 2017: First apple cider
September 10, 2017: First amusement park
August 13, 2017: First happy meal
August 6, 2017: Gets baptized

Monthly Pictures

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