Saturday, March 10, 2018

Lo Que Dice Emmett Otono 2017

Emmett is talking more and more! He's missing tons of sounds but his grammar and sentence structure is great! He also talks nonstop now...just like his sister! He literally went from barely talking to complete sentences and never being quiet. It's so funny to hear some of the things he says, especially when he says them with a complete straight face shaking his head up and down.

Waitress: “What’s your name cutie?” Emmett: (without any hesitation) “Doggy!”

Mama: “Did Bear Bear go potty?” Emmett: “No, he not have penis. No uhuh, he not have pene." (in case I didn’t understand in English)

Me: “What do you say to Clara for biting her?” Emmett: “Thank you Wehwah!”

“It hot in my eye!” (the sun was shining in his eye)

Clara: “Emmett is it listening time or talking time?” Emmett: “Talking time!”

“I no want ensalada (salad) on my pizza!” (Meaning he did not want a vegetarian pizza like me)

Me: “What flavor is your ice cream?” Emmett: “Yellow!”

Me: “Did you bite Clara?” Emmett (totally serious): “No I eat Wehwah!”

(Dancing to a song while clapping) “I clap my pene (penis)” (as he hits his penis)

“I beso (kiss) your nose! Silly Emmett!”

Emmett picked up the phone while we were FaceTiming and said, “I holding Mama!” Followed by, “Bye Mama, I love you!” And “I give you abrazo (hug) and beso (kiss)!”

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