Tuesday, March 20, 2018

January Fun

We celebrated a lot of birthdays in January! We started with Abuela Sheri and had Dada's family over for dinner. Tia Alyssa made a cake and all the kids helped to blow out the candles! It was a great night.

Next up was Joaquin's first birthday fiesta. We had a great time celebrating the little cutie. The kids had a blast in the bounce house, hitting the pinata, and of course, eating cake!

Nobody but Mason could zip Emmett's pants

That night we celebrated Aba's birthday. She wanted hamburgers so we all headed to Eurka for dinner! The kids all behaved fairly well, Clara scarfed down her food, and we all enjoyed delicious cupcakes that Tio Robert and Tia Erika brought. It was the perfect night!

My birthday was at the end of the month and we had several celebrations including dinner and a concert the night before while the kids spent the night at los Tios (we ended up picking Emmett up on our way home because his ear hurt - luckily it was not an ear infection). On my birthday I got the girls to help me make a cake (and do laundry) and we went to Fugazzis which recently opened downtown. We walked there and back home for jello cake! We also had the obligatory trip to Red Robin with los Tios and Clara managed to convince us to so to Old Navy to get here some jellies!

We ended the month with a birthday dinner for Olive. It was a great night with a few of Olive's friends. She's such a sweetheart and we're so lucky to be neighbors! The kids had a great time playing and Clara picked out a ballet outfit complete with shoes for Olive which she loved!

We also managed to squeeze in a sweet haircut for Emmett. Bri always does a great job and Emmett is so great at sitting still. He actually likes to get his hair cut! We all went and had pizza with the Kauks and Clara and Cami had a great time playing!

There were also dance parties, after Christmas cookies, and tons of cousin/sibling fun!

Throw in a zoo day before Tia went back to work and it was a fabulous month!

Dada and I both had conferences we had to go to at the same time so the kids got to spend one night with Aba and spend the other night at los Abuelos for the first time! They had a ton of fun, but didn't get a lot of sleep at los Abuelos due to sleeping in the same bed and were rather grumpy when I got home. It was good practice for our trip to the Philippines when they will stay with different people for two weeks!

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