Sunday, August 5, 2018

VBS 2018

We had another great year at VBS! Aarne was not available to lead the singing so Jason and I did it. Luckily Jason is awesome and could cover for my mistakes! All the kids were pretty into it, even little Elise and Emmett! Elise was the hit of the week as all the kids have been when they were babies. She got carried around by the older girls and played with nonstop! She loved the singing and even started saying, "ba ba ba ba" like one of the songs and trying to do the motion!

Emmett was pretty into the singing and sang all the songs at home. Clara was pretty into everything and had no problems listening or going to her classes without me. Emmett got a little sad when he had to leave me and screamed when he had to go home without me on several occasions. Bailey had a lot of fun but was pretty worn out and grumpy by the end of the week. VBS is fun but exhausting!

The best snack ladies!
The kids had such a great time learning about how Jesus saves us and Tia did an excellent job preparing everything. Aba taught the kids lessons about Jesus and they did some super fun crafts. Throw in delicious snacks and it was the prefect week! I love VBS and am grateful for a flexible job so I was able to spend the mornings there!

Some of the kids sang some of the VBS songs in church and it was pretty cute! Emmett was very into it! Clara was into it at first and even chose the songs to sing. Then, all of a sudden, she stopped singing and pouted...who knows why.

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