Monday, January 21, 2019

Lo Que Dice Clarita Verano/Otono 2018

Since I forgot to write a summer update I'm doing a combo summer/fall since I can't remember what she said when! Clarita continues to be a chatterbox, but has definitely gotten quieter and often spends long periods of time playing quietly or doing crafts. You can always see the wheels turning in her mind and she really seems to grasp abstract concepts unlike a lot of kids her age. Clara is definitely wise beyond her years which can be a pain sometimes because I can't get anything past her. Now that she's learning to spell, I can't even spell things anymore because she figures them out. Clara continues to be really great at convincing other kids to do what she wants. She really sells it to them like it's their idea and they will love it so much. She never suggests that she wants them to do it, instead convincing them that it's something they really want to do. I'm a little worried about what the future holds and when she will start trying to manipulate us! 

“Sometimes when you go potty you can just relax a little bit and look at your phone.” (I wonder who she sees do this?)

“Did you do it last year Dada?” (Regarding the tour of France)

Me: “Emmett who’s your girlfriend?” Emmett: “Emma!” Clara: “Aww he fell in love!”

“Emmett you have a gray penis! What happened dude? Did you put soap on it?”

“Why did the unicorn fly into space? Because it wanted to see Star Wars!”

(As she eats sausage) “What kind of animal is this? Pig? I’m stabbing my pig but it doesn’t hurt because it’s dead. It’s not real nice to kill animals.”

Me: “I don’t think we have any open pasta sauce.” Clara: “Then get some closed sauce.”

(Talking about going fishing and what she would do with the fish.) “Put them in a bucket and give them to Abuelos.” Emmett: “No put it in the fish pond.” Dada: “Or we could let them go.” Clara: “Or we could stab them and never let them go!”

“I’m going to name the ardilla (squirrel) I just saw nut crack because I saw it’s butt and ardillas like nuts!”

“It’s too big, that’s what she said.” (Referencing Goldilocks)

(Looking in the mirror after putting on sunscreen) “I thought I saw some white on my face. I don’t want people to think I’m a vampire and be scared!" (Pulls her lips down to look at her teeth) "But I don’t have pointy teeth!”

“Bailey you can’t borrow the dog but do you want to borrow Emmett?”

“These are so good. I love mandarins so much. They fill my tummy with joy.”

“I saw a mom at Home Depot today and she had as much fur on her arms as Dada!”

“Emmett told me something and I couldn’t hear what he said. That’s what happens with older people, they can’t hear as well as little ones.”

When Emmett was being especially ornery Clara said, “Emmett is a weed that is difficult to pull out!”

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Lo Que Dice Emmett Verano/Otono 2018

It appears that I skipped summer so I will just combine the two since I have no idea where one ended and the other began on my phone list. Emmett, who was once the quiet one, now talks up a storm! He is literally only quiet when he sleeps and at times can be quite annoying. He gets mad if Clara is talking when he wants to say something and will yell, "Stop talking, it's my turn to talk!" This is followed by covering her mouth with his hand if he can reach her. As fiesty as he is, he is still super lovey and tells us (me especially) that he loves us all the time. He is pretty good about saying sorry without prompting if he does something he thinks could hurt or upset someone. However, if someone tries to get him to say sorry, he is not so easy going. Buggle is still hard to understand and is still missing "s" (he usually says a t sound if the next letter is a vowel or just leaves off the sound if the next letter is a consonant, i.e. "cool" for school and "tat" for sat). His other sounds all seem to jumble together. Clara and Bailey seem to be best at understanding him. Emmee still says a lot of things in Spanish which makes it even more difficult to understand him since you never know what language he is speaking in! He does say some pretty funny things though, and at times he even says things trying to get us to laugh. He, of course, laughs maniacally when he says something he thinks is funny!

“I have lemon pants!” (referring to his yellow pants)

He was talking about all the stuff he wanted for his birthday and I suggested that he tell people what he wanted. His reply was, “Like the mailman?” (perhaps I order too much stuff online)

Best soccer fan!

Clara: “Emmett you’re loco!” Emmett: “I not loco, I a alien!”

He adds to his sleeping collection daily!

“Go away, have another day!” (what he tells us pretty much every time he sits down to poop)

“Un milagro!” (After Clara went potty. Apparently I say that a lot when she tells me she doesn’t need to go and then does…)

“I don’t have a lot of hands.” (his response when I ask him to carry something he doesn't want to carry)

Emmett: “I can’t walk. I not have any legs or feet.” Me: “What happened to them?” Emmett: “I throw them in the trash.”

Yogurt and sausage, what more do you need?

(Points to his belly button) “Is that a penis?” Me: “No it’s a belly button.” Emmett: “Does pee pee come out of it?"

“I want fight things." (referring to Clara’s bow and arrows) Me: “What are you going to do with them?” Emmett: “Fight things!”

Watching trains

Practicing for when he's a Dada

“I a chino (Chinese) I not a chica (girl).”

Dada: “Don’t poke your eyes out!” Emmett: “Why?” Dada: “Because then you can’t see.” Emmett: “I still have one eye!”

“Did you hear that sound? Did I go peepee in my pants?” (not sure where that came from)

“Boys do farts more than girls.”

(After pooping one poop) “He don’t have any friends anymore.” (He pooped some more) “Oh he have one friend! Now he have two friends!”

Trying to keep Mama awake

“Do you have brown eggs? Do you have chocolate eggs?” (he was convinced that brown eggs were made of chocolate and very disappointed when they looked like regular eggs inside)

Passed out watching a movie

“Dada don’t eat dulces (sweets), only ice cream.”

It's fun to stay at the Y

“He can’t have sunglasses because he only have one eye!”


“Doot doo! That's what a salad says!”


Me: “Can I have a beso (kiss)?” Emmett: “No, I don’t want to get my chapstick off.”


Out of nowhere gives Clara a hug and says, “You are nice. You are the best sister in the world!”

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Trains, and Zoos, and Lights Galore!

This year I attempted to get all the cousins together for pajama train. Unfortunately, Tia and I forgot to buy tickets right away the day they went on sale and by the time we remembered that night, the day we wanted was sold out. Tia Erika was on top of it and managed to get tickets for that night. We were bummed but quickly picked another night and Tia Alyssa was able to get tickets for the same night so we had most of the cousins. Tia bought the kids matching pjs and they were super cute! We managed to get some great pictures with Santa. Elise and Emmett wanted nothing to do with him but Emmett grudgingly agreed to sit on Mrs. Claus' lap. We attempted to get pictures of all the kids, but that proved difficult since Elise just wanted to run around. It was good for a laugh and Tristan finally stepped in and held her. We rode the train a billion times, ate way too many cookies, and drank our body weight in hot chocolate; it was a great night!

Elise didn't get the memo to look at Santa

I accidentally covered the flash but Emmett
trying to corral Elise is too good!

Clara took some great pictures!

We headed to Zoolights on another cold night. Unfortunately Elise was sick so she and Tia stayed home, but Aba and Grandma Donna joined us. The kids loved the decorations as always and were really into taking silly pictures. We failed to get a family picture because we were having too much fun! Once again, Emmett wanted nothing to do with Santa but was bribed to stand next to him. Clara told him she wanted a kitten and Bailey said a puppy. He was hilarious when he gave them his "disclaimer" about not being able to deliver weapons and animals!

The progression of Emmett's Santa picture faces

I think Santa promised him a Paw Patrol firetruck

Clara and Emmett were scared of the Storm Troopers

They wanted to take pictures with EVERY decoration